George Neumayr's article on "Bishops Who Bail Out Biden"

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I just read this article by George Neumayr:

it’s worth a read, irregardless of which side you take, since it’s sure to cause a lot of comment. The apparent instigation for the article was Bishop Callahan blasting “Fr. James Altman, for saying that Catholics shouldn’t vote for a party that supports the killing of unborn children.”

I’m interested in everyone’s take.
Bishops or priests should not defend Joe Biden. He’s a big boy and has taken very good care of himself up to this point. He doesn’t need his religious leaders to come to his defense. His stance on the issues should speak for themselves. People can make up their own minds based on that.

Once a Bishop or priest speaks up in defense of Joe Biden it comes across as a veiled endorsement of Joe Biden, whether it really is or not.
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I’m happy to leave what happens between Fr. Altman and his bishop between Fr. Altman and his bishop.

I am not interested in Monday-morning quarterbacking bishops in matters of disciplining the priests in their diocese. I have not written to the bishop for or against Fr. Altman as I am neither in his parish nor his diocese and I don’t consider it my business.
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This paragraph says it all:
“Were the Republicans to run a Catholic for president who supported, say, segregation, the bishops wouldn’t hesitate to condemn that figure and warn their congregations not to vote for him. But the bishops apply no such condemnation or warning to Joe Biden, who is a dissenter in favor of abortion rights and gay marriage. Even Biden’s officiating at gay marriages, an egregiously disobedient act for a Catholic, is met with silence from most bishops.”

And the pope himself comments on Trump’s Christianity.
Can’t criticize a Democrat though!
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Good article.

Folks can blast a priest for their tone when speaking truth all they want. The only problem is that there is something much more evil than “tone” and “manner”; it is silence! When you say nothing to your flock on the matters of abortion, and other diabolical issues, but instead flood their ears with climate change and BLM nonsense, you are a poor Shepard. I believe Jesus said something like, "Woe to you…
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This. My goodness. If everyone took this approach, I think there wouldn’t be such a big mess in the Church for the laity. Outside of our parish is not our business (directly). Especially since if people look at their own parish, they will likely find a lot of work that needs to be done. Let’s all clean up our own houses first, before going next door.
It certainly reeks of hypocrisy. But what can we expect? Bishops, given their positions, are not immune from politics. How I wish the Pope would remind Bishops to just focus on fixing the Church instead of taking on all the social justice causes of the world.
I suspect that money is involved in this, as in anything else. The church is in desperate need of money and there are a lot of potential donors among the technocrats. (Gates and others) It is these people who are driving the gender/climate/abortion/leftist agenda in politics and if our good bishops expect to receive money from them, speaking out against leftist causes is impossible. So, the bishops don’t object to abortion, same sex marriage and they just love Biden.
The positions taken by the US bishops are very confusing and puzzling, until we throw money into the mix.
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I personally think that the bishops have been derelict in allowing urban Catholic schools to close, thereby denying many minority kids a good education.
Very true. There’s so much going on in the Church at large, especially at the diocesan level. I think it’s better for our spiritual and emotional health if we just focus our attention at the parish we attend and never get involved in anything beyond that. Any time I think about things going on at the diocesan or international level (strictly speaking of the Roman Church alone), it does nothing but stress me out.
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