Getting closer to my religion

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I’ve always been catholic, but I never really cared to fortify my faith especially when I figured I was dealing with SSA. But my problem isn’t with the church and SSA I’m fine with what they teach and I’m willing to follow it after all it’s my cross. I’m 16 turning 17 this year and I want to learn more about my faith and strengthen my relationship with our lord and lady because I want to do the Marian consecration next year since I’m turning 18 (like Pope John Paul II did) my question is what do you recommend me for deepening my faith. Thanks in advance
Your first contact should be your parish priest. It’s possible your Diocese has help for those seeking understanding of SSA. Blessings.
Seeing a priest.
Going to confession.
Attending mass when needed.
Praying/reading bible & Cathechism.

Have you been confirmed?

Would you like me to share catholic sites/app that you can request prayer from catholics?
Prayer and meditation. Be patient, patience achieves everything.
The above posters are offering good advice. Go with that. What I personally suggest is reading True Devotion to Mary by Saint Louis de Montfort.
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I’ll remember you in my prayers.

The spiritual life can be a challenge.

May I recommend the book *Catholicism…For Dummies”? It gives a good nuts-and-bolts overview of the Church.
Yes I’ve made my first communion and have been confirmed
I would go to Mass as often as you can. Go early or stay late so you can spend time there in the sanctuary & read the Gospels, again, again, & again.

Go to Reconciliation regularly.
I agree with Justin_Mary.

Here’s another thought: Immerse yourself in the Faith. Live it, Love it and Be it.

Let it be absorbed into everything about you.
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