Getting my room mate to attend mass

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I’ve been helping him for quite some time, he’s had a rather rough time and I’ve been given some good advice, which is to get him to at least attend one mass so that God’s graces can work better upon him.

I’ve been trying to get him involved with at least a protestant service, yet he doesn’t seem to find the time to do so on any regular basis. We both read the bible together, and he’s resistant with the one I have which is Catholic since there are some extra books in it. I explained to him this is the original cannon, and he made a point saying that it’s said nobody is to take away or add onto it, yet even after explaining to him that Luther is the one that ommitted several fo these books because they were in conflict with his views, it still seems like it’s falling on deaf ears.

How do you get someone so resistant and against the Catholic church to attend a single mass, of which he needs so dearly to. I know, pray, but still, I wish I could do more here. Any thoughts or suggestions would be welcomed, also am taking note as to his argument along calling no man father and I just emailed him this link:

This is an area where I know a protestant denomination will not be enough, he needs more, much more and this the reason I’m now trying to get him to at least attend one mass, for the situation is rather dire.
It sounds like he is not ready to attend Mass, yet. These things are on God’s timetable, not ours. Keep up the Bible study and discussion and maybe you can introduce him to Catholic prayer, like the Liturgy of the Hours.
I really want to give you good advice, your heart is in the right place. Unfortunately, I am not always good at explaining what is on my heart…

I was born and raised Catholic, fell away from the Church for about 5 years, and returned to the Church 2 years ago. (Yea! I am still thrilled to say it!) I am surrounded by friends and family that are not Catholic. Some are probably (silently) anit-Catholic. I sometimes struggle with the urge to scream "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?’ It is hard to understand why anyone would not want to be included in THE one true Church that Jesus established on earth, and to recieve His abundant grace in the Sacrements. But, I think it is hard for people who don’t know and/or understand the teachings of the Church to see what is so great about it. All they see is the way Catholics live their lives, and unfortunately, a lot of Catholics don’t live their lives according to Church teachings, and don’t practice their faith. They also have many misconceptions about the Catholic religion.

In my humble opinion, to convert someone, you need to lead by example and prayer, not by words that may antagonize. That is why it is so important to live our lives according to the will of God, and by the teachings of the Catholic church. We need to SHOW others how full and joyful life can be when you live the Catholic faith.
Someone that is deeply in love with God, practices their Catholic faith, obeys the Church’s teaching, serves God’s people with love (christian or non-christian, Catholic or Protestant), and is willing to let the Holy Spirit speak through them and act through them WILL convert those around them…

BUT God gave us humans free will, and no one can force anyone to believe, or understand, or love… and that is where prayer comes in.🙂


O Father, in the name of Your Son Jesus,
and in the power and authority of the Holy Spirit,
I ask that You fill [name]
with the knowledge of Your will
through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.
Enlighten this precious child of Yours, dear Lord!
Teach this dear one to live in a manner
that is worthy of You,
so as to be fully pleasing to You,
full of good works bearing good fruits
and ever growing in knowledge of You.
Strengthen this lost lamb, dear Lord,
with every power of Your Holy Spirit,
in accordance with Your might,
for all endurance and patience,
with joy, giving thanks to You O Father!
Make Your child fit to share in the inheritance
of the holy ones in the Light.
Deliver this beloved one from the power of darkness
and transfer [name]
into the kingdom of Your Beloved Son, Jesus,
in whom is redemption and the forgiveness of sins.


God Bless!😉
That is such a beautiful, strong prayer. Is it a prayer that you just pray, or did it come from a prayer book?? I will fill in the blanks for my son tonight!!
Thank You,
I stumbled across it online about a month ago (where I don’t remember). I pray it for my husband…
I’m not asking him to even become Catholic at all, it’s simply a matter of getting him to show up, doesn’t have to participate, no need to even believe in it, just show up. I feel I can only counsel him here so far, it’s like this huge gap within his spiritual growth that is preventing him from getting better, and only the Grace of God is going to be able to suffice. I’m only going to be here for a short time, so have been trying to get the work I have to do, complete before I leave. I gotta get my own exclusive place, I just moved in to help him out with his bills and of course with his problems, but my efforts are reaching the end at this stage.
I’m not asking him to even become Catholic at all, it’s simply a matter of getting him to show up, doesn’t have to participate, no need to even believe in it, just show up. I feel I can only counsel him here so far, it’s like this huge gap within his spiritual growth that is preventing him from getting better, and only the Grace of God is going to be able to suffice. I’m only going to be here for a short time, so have been trying to get the work I have to do, complete before I leave. I gotta get my own exclusive place, I just moved in to help him out with his bills and of course with his problems, but my efforts are reaching the end at this stage.
It sounds like you are very distressed and frustrated about this situation. I feel for you…But, did you ever stop to think that you may NOT be the one that God wants to use to get this person to attend Mass? And maybe just “showing up” for one Mass is not the way the Holy Spirit is going to speak to this person and draw him near to the Lord?..I think maybe you are getting a little too worked up (at least by the way your posts sound).

“If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.” God is in control. He has a plan for you, and a plan for this other person. Pray that this person sees Christ in you. Maybe you will need to accept the fact that you might not be able to get him to go to Mass. At least when your time there is over, be able to say, “I showed this person what it means to be a good Catholic-Christian.”… and stop beating yourself up over it.🙂
“If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.” God is in control. He has a plan for you, and a plan for this other person. Pray that this person sees Christ in you. Maybe you will need to accept the fact that you might not be able to get him to go to Mass. At least when your time there is over, be able to say, “I showed this person what it means to be a good Catholic-Christian.”… and stop beating yourself up over it.🙂
ProLifeMom, this made me laugh. One of the most important things I have learned over the years on my spiritual journey is that I must be patient and remember that, although I have my own plans, I must remain open to whatever the Lord wills. This is especially being reinforced at this time in my life as I prepared to finish my undergraduate studies and am (supposedly) making plans for the next few years. Whenever I tell a friend what I am planning on doing, I end by saying: “That’s if God agrees to what I have planned, of course.” Haha.

ProdigalSon, remember that if you live out your faith, your friend will see the Love of Christ in you! Remain patient, kind, and persevere in faith and love. God will do all things according to His time and His most amazing will.

God bless.
I realized that I could only help so far, the rest of that persons journey is in God’s hands alone. I moved out and am now among friends, the disturbing part of this, he sent a nasty gram email accusing me of idol worshiping, now that I saw his true nature, I realize he really was not my friend at all and is adamantly against the Church.
It is very challenging to introduce the Mass to anyone. With your situation I believe there is an opportunity for you to introduce first the basis of why we go and participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. You said that both of you are studying the Bible. If I may suggest to you that you and your room mate study the Chapter 6 of St. John’s Gospel. This is the basis of the Sacrament of Eucharist, which is the Mass.
God bless and be patient.
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