Getting Organized and Balancing Your Life

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I was just wondering what you do to keep your lives under control. I realize that prayer is the main thing, but then how do you handle family, work and other important parts of your lives? I try to put God first in my life, but since I am a mother of a 2 year old and a housewife who is trying out a home business, I am unable to attend mass daily. Or so it seems and there is more praying I would like to do, like adoration, but sometimes I find myself skipping it all together. I even sometimes wonder if I shouldn’t even spend time in this home business and concentrate more on my child.

The only times that I feel happiest is when I have spent the day completing at least the most important things on my busy schedule like reading to my child or praying with her and keeping my house decent. I use a daily to do list when I make myself do it, which is not always everyday. Then I try to do most of the chores when my baby is awake but sometimes I feel bad for not spending more time with her. How do I tell if I need to drop the home job to keep my life balanced with my child taken care of. The only reason I started it was because I am worried about our financial situation.

Another big influence on me was the idea of the 5 areas of our lives which we should keep balanced and the responsibility of the present moment. The 5 areas I have read about in a Catholic book are 1)Sacraments, 2)Prayer and Formation, 3)Family and Community, 4)Work, and 5)Evangelization. This was from the Apostolate from Family Consecration. I still have trouble staying focused on my responsibility of the present moment because sometimes I am not sure what it is.

Sorry that these thoughts are not all together like they should be, but I really am trying to do well for my child and I really don’t want to be a poor example of a Catholic mother to her. I want her to grow up beautifully Catholic because my parents did not raise me up knowing what I should have known about being a Catholic. I am afraid I will not be very good at educating my child because of this and I will make her life harder than it has to be. She needs to be able to know how to be a good Catholic and to be able to put a balance in her life.
Sonya: I used to think that my house had to be spotless. Let it go! You will be happier. A peace flows over me when I receive confession and communion often and saying the rosary daily. I exercise at the health club 4 days a week about 1 hr per day. Today, I begin a sort of “fast” where I eat moderately. No more ice cream and cookies for me. My doggie gets them now. I will eventually “fast” with bread and water at certain meals when I can handle that too. I will be teaching Jr. High Religion beginning in September. Adoration is something in my near future. I certainly can understand the financial aspects of working. I have been employed full time since college graduation (17 yrs) and it can be very stressful. Of course, I don’t have any babies. My baby (daughter) made 13 today. I also have found that limiting alcohol intake helps because alcohol is a depressant. In short, living for and praising God makes me feel great! Good luck in you future and do continue prayer. My best wishes go out to you and your family.:tiphat:

As a mother to five kids 3 to 14 years old, I know how hard it is to keep balance - near impossible at times it seems! Anyway, I strongly suggest taking a look at The Holy Family Institute website. www.vocations-holyfamily I have been involved with this for the last year and have found it to be so helpful in all aspects of my life, but especially spiritually. It has really helped me concentrate my focus rather than being so scattered like I used to be. Feel free to write if you have any other questions!

Thanks for the responses. I appreciate it, because I know it helps me to learn from you. Keeping a balance in one’s life takes committment all right. To keep myself organized especially for important paperwork, I like using a file cabinet. I do not like so much clutter and it seems so much easier to organize some of the clutter.

I am always searching for ways to improve our way of life. I even watch the Home Advantage show which gives suggestions on keeping a grip on managing one’s household.
and remember the 20/80 rule.
80% of the results are from the first 20% of your effort.
I didn’t realize there was another thread like this one, but thanks again for the replies. It helps a lot. I don’t have much time, but thanks to people here I have a lot of information that will come in handy. I could never have found out about this information. I admit it. I don’t have all the answers, that is why I came to you.

Another thing that I have tried is to listen to a walkman with a tape of the rosary while doing regular chores. It seems to keep me focused.
Another thing that I have tried is to listen to a walkman with a tape of the rosary while doing regular chores. It seems to keep me focused.
Housecleaning with Mother Mary. Always a good idea. 🙂
I’m right with you on the question of balance! Thank you for starting this thread. I’m very interested to hear what others have to say.
I even sometimes wonder if I shouldn’t even spend time in this home business and concentrate more on my child.
I do have a thought about “concentrating” on your child. I personally have come to believe that it is not our primary job to be our childrens’ entertainment committee. I don’t think we’re called to play with them 24/7. I think a little bit of play time is important, but we shouldn’t make our toddlers the center of the universe, always hovering and doing what they want to do. Instead, I think we are called to have our children alongside us, where the family and the work of the family is the “center of the universe”. So, I would go about doing your chores. Teach your daughter, give her ways she can help you. I know this will slow things down tremendously, but you will being doing chores and teaching your daughter. When she isn’t “helping” she can play near you. She will become more independent and creative if she is responsible for her own play. Just my .02! 🙂
I find now that my children are grown especially in teaching that if I make a holy hour a day everything else falls into place. The more time you make for God the more God gives graces for your day in return.
But I do find when my grandchildren are over and I can not go to holy hour that offering my day and keeping Christ in it. (Talking to him etc.) In fact my grand daughter tells everyone when she sees a crucifix or a picture of Christ. Thats my Grammy’s best friend! Of course she is only three and we are working on the fact that Christ is everyones best friend.🙂
Remember too that this is a stage of your life that will eventually pass.
If you feel stressed out because you feel you should be getting x number of things done - it may be impossible.
You won’t always be this busy. There will come a time when you can concentrate on other things.

For now - God has given you this little one ( and that doesn’t always coincide with quiet prayer time)
God understands your situation.

My favorite quote that helps me get through tough mommy days…

“Do small things with great love” Mother Teresa
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