One of my fundamental objectives as a way to reduce the incidence of abortion, and someday eliminate it is to convince the pro-life movement to adopt rigorous and objective standards for the conduct, publication, citation, review, and summary of scientific information. At present, there is woeful bounty of cherry-picked research on the web sites and mailings of many pro-life organizations, and the academics whose work the pro-life movement often cite often publish methodologically questionable studies in second or third-rate journals. As a professional health scientist who is also Catholic and pro-life (though differing in strategy from many judicially-oriented pro-life organizations), I view this dearth of sound methodology and objective treatment of evidence as an embarrassment.
My objective with this post is not to simply criticize the pro-life movement. I am not trying to talk down to anyone, I am trying to help (though I understand the paternalism inherent in what I’m writing, so I very much apologize). I would like to make a good-faith effort to demonstrate why someone like me, who understands statistics very well and routinely reviews articles for peer-reviewed scientific journals, views the scientific basis of the pro-life movement as problematic and unable to “cut the mustard” within the broader public health and medical literature.
Before saying anything else, I do want to highlight a number of research articles by authors I view as being methodologically rigorous.
My objective with this post is not to simply criticize the pro-life movement. I am not trying to talk down to anyone, I am trying to help (though I understand the paternalism inherent in what I’m writing, so I very much apologize). I would like to make a good-faith effort to demonstrate why someone like me, who understands statistics very well and routinely reviews articles for peer-reviewed scientific journals, views the scientific basis of the pro-life movement as problematic and unable to “cut the mustard” within the broader public health and medical literature.
Before saying anything else, I do want to highlight a number of research articles by authors I view as being methodologically rigorous.
- First, there are a number of recent studies by Elard Koch and colleagues, Chilean researchers who have used rigorous mortality registry data to broadly critique survey-based estimates of abortion and abortion-related mortality developed by researchers at the Guttmacher Institute. In my eyes, they have pretty definitively demonstrated that the Guttmacher methods for estimating international abortion rates are extremely biased, at least in the nations in which Koch and colleagues have looked. I used to cite the Guttmacher papers, and have been pretty soundly convinced by Koch and colleagues.
- Second, there are a series of studies by Jonathan Klick, who has examined how sexually-transmitted infection (STI) rates change as a result of policies such as legalizing abortion and parental notification laws for minors. He’s also looked at the mental health impacts of mandatory waiting periods. His work is of particular importance in challenging the “baked in assumption” of many abortion advocates that sexual behavior does not change. That’s one of the key assumptions included in the contraception chapter of Institute of Medicine Report, Clinical Preventive Services for Women, on which the HHS contraceptive mandate was based.
- A number of other researchers, such as Elizabeth Oltmans Ananat (the “Power of the Pill for the Next Generation” paper) and Kearney (the MTV 16 and Pregnant study, among others), have published evaluations of how media can influence abortion rates and the effects of “the pill” on children’s family economic status.