Here’s my list!
Create an album or scrapbook of photos or memorabilia of important family events.
Record a family oral history on audio tape.
Copy your favorite recipes onto cards and tie with a ribbon.
Unpack the old “love letters” from your spouse, tie them with a ribbon and give to your dearest.
Make cookies, beverage mixes, or nut treats to give. See Inexpensive Gifts.
Share the story of 1000 Marbles and give a Marble collection.
Have a “lightly used” toy exchange among the children.
Make homemade gift certificates for free babysitting, errands, chores, backrubs, etc.
Make a gift, these are often the most treasure. See: Quick and Easy Candles
Consider making your gift giving simple, 3 gifts for each child, just as Jesus received 3.
Inexpensive ideas for Holiday gift giving.
crayons, paper, glue, markers, tape, stapler, scissors, fuzzy topped pencils, bulletin board, chalk board, dry erase board, watercolors, fingerpaints, blank books, books, character notepads, stickers, artist sketch pad, diary, popcorn tin, colorful mittens, fun socks, jigsaw puzzles, marbles, deck of cards, a checker board, pick up sticks, dice, jacks, bookmarks, word find books, candy canes dipped in chocolate, hot chocolate mix and marshmallows, a latch hook kit, sewing kit, paperdolls, slippers, wrist watch, bubble bath, gift certificates to a fast food restaurant, homemade coupons (for a chore pass, movie, game night, a date w/parent, etc.), hot wheels, baby doll clothes (yard sale priced real baby clothing), balls, a kit to make a rag doll, brush and comb set, hair clips, baseball cap, wooden blocks, stacking rings/cups, chapstick, a scrunchy & shower gel, night light, flashlight, kaliedoscope, kite, bicycle accessories, a homemade dress-up clothes chest or treasure chest (use clothing you no longer use, or find quality items second-hand)
Some of these smaller items can be grouped to make a “kit”. Of course, keep things age-appropriate.