Gift of holy humor

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Greetings Church

I once read a great article in a Catholic Magazine about the “Gift of Holy Humor”.

The author believed that we Catholics have a very serious image of ourselves and what “holy” or “reverence” should look like.
It usually came to looking like Jesus had died, never to be seen again.
In truth, He died, is Risen and WILL COME AGAIN!

This is a reason for joy.

I know God must have a sense of humor and must laugh like crazy at us Catholics.

I pray for that same Gift of Holy Humor.

I think we need to lighten up.
Robert -

I agree that we need a sense of humor in our faith lives. Your post reminded me of an incident from several years ago in which I experience Our Lady’s sense of humor.

For years now I have been praying the Rosary as I drive. One day I was reciting the Glorious Mysteries, and noted at the Resurrection “This is my favorite Mystery.” As I continued, I realized that I really like all of the Mysteries, and felt I should not call any my ‘favorite.’

A few days later I was again praying the Glorious Mysteries. When I got to the fourth (the Assumption), a small femine voice in my head sounded as soon as I announced the Mystery of the Assumption; She said “Now that’s My favorite”. I burst into laughter.
God has got to have a sence of humor… look at the flamingo with its knees on backwards… now that’s not what makes me laugh, it’s the notion of what a chair would look like if our knees bent the same way… :confused: What do you think? Peace… 👍
Robert -

I agree that we need a sense of humor in our faith lives. Your post reminded me of an incident from several years ago in which I experience Our Lady’s sense of humor.

For years now I have been praying the Rosary as I drive. One day I was reciting the Glorious Mysteries, and noted at the Resurrection “This is my favorite Mystery.” As I continued, I realized that I really like all of the Mysteries, and felt I should not call any my ‘favorite.’

A few days later I was again praying the Glorious Mysteries. When I got to the fourth (the Assumption), a small femine voice in my head sounded as soon as I announced the Mystery of the Assumption; She said “Now that’s My favorite”. I burst into laughter.
YES, OUTSIDE of Mass, Humor is needed. Though I have heard great analogy humor from many good and faithful to the Magisterium Priests, from their homily in the pulpit. But only NOT vulgar, and to make a holy point.
I am a very humorous person, and am always laughing with my friends, even in Catholic Conversations. I agree, no one likes a grump.
Greetings Church

Some Priests are hilareous.
Years ago, we had a choir with a nun as its leader. She saw herself as an operetic soprano. She had some problems, first she didn’t know her voice range and always started in too high a key at which point it almost sounded like someone scratching a blackboard, next her voice was LOUD, and to top it off, she couldn’t carry a tune in a basket. Other than that, she was a lovely lady and a good friend. But, the truth is the truth.

Father, bless him, was a true music lover. He always did his best not to react to the strange sounds coming from the choir. He didn’t always succeed. One particular Christmas, this sweet sister decided to treat everyone to a solo and it would seem began her song at least a full octive too high. Father caught it after the first 2 or 3 notes. For the bigger part of the song, all he did was turn various shades of red as he tried not to show emotion. However, his control finally snapped and he crumpled into uncontolled laughter. He was actually a mess during all the rest of the Mass. He would suddenly break up with laughter and we all knew he was remembering. Guess what that did to most of the Congregation? You got it.
Poor Father, for a year (at least) after that we only had to mention the name of the song and he was off. He may never be the same again.
Dear Roberta,
Your thread is an important reminder to us all. It’s great to be solemn and reverant, but humor is important as well. It’s better to laugh at irregular situations than get angry. Humor is a great gift. I notice that some on these boards seem to need a bit more of it… :rolleyes:
Okay, White Dove. I know who you are talking about. I’ll lighten up.
I once heard Mother Angelica say, “You don’t need to be a ‘grump for Jesus!’

Whattagal! 🙂
I wish I could remember the person who said this to me: “Of COURSE God has a sense of humor! I mean, look at the platypus!”

Several of the tragedies of my life have occurred with great humor which allowed me to cry through the tears: case in point:

I purchased a car when I was 18 and exactly 3 moths TO THE DAY after I bought it, I crashed it, and it was my fault. I had dropped collision coverage exactly 2 weeks prior, and the again…I was at fault for the accident. The car was totalled…it wasn’t worth much.

It gets better. I was in my police reserve uniform, en route to my first ride-along with the department. The house I called the police from was directly across the street and was the home of the biggest defense attorney in the county. I was wearing my very prominent uniform…some would have thought that I was an actual cop. We wore authentic patches with the city name.

And even better…the officer who responded was the officer I had been assigned to that night! :o

And he wrote me a ticket—had to by dept. standards.

And the reserve supervisor was ALSO on duty that night!

Not only did I total my car, but I had the dubious honor of being the only Reserve or Officer to do so on the way to “work”!

While I cried for the loss of my first car via my own stupidity and the loss of my pride for the same reason, I laughed hysterically over the circumstances. You can’t tell me that Jesus wasn’t right there laughing at the same time.

And you can BET there was a lesson in the Comedy.

How many of us have similar stories…the irony of tragedy amidst comedy?

This is God, everyone. Our Father has a funny bone, and he gave it to us as well!
Simple proof that God has a sense of humor.
  1. He created us in his image and likeness.
Any more need to be said?
Wow, what a fantastic story!

Now, the rest of the story?
Did that end your life in law enforcement?

Oh God must indeed, have a sense of humor!

:o Well, it really didn’t end my career…although for awhile I thought that it would! I was very embarassed for a loooong time. The officers at that department never ceased teasing me about driving or that night.

The officer who issued me the ticket actually advised me to go to court (he told me that he wasn’t supposed to tell me that but he felt bad about having to give it to me) and other officers that night coached me as to what to say to the judge. At the time I was attending a Catholic College, so they told me not to reveal that in court or the judge would think I was one of the rich kids (that’s the reputation my school had—the rich Catholic school on the hill). They told me to say that I couldn’t pay the ticket since I had to pay to fix my car.

Well, it went easily enough. I pled guilty, told the judge that I had just dropped collision coverage so he asked me the cost of damages…over $2000 and I’d paid only $1900 for the car. He decided I’d been punished enough so waived both the ticket fees and court fees. Praise God!

I did actually graduate from college and became a cop for a short time. Although there were some driving mishaps on the job, they wern’t anything to kill the career! I left on my own, finding, ironically, that I hated the work. Now I’m doing something similar in insurance investigation (potentially fraudulent claims) and I love that. ANd yes, I’ve done stupid humorous things there, too!

Humor is around us every day…although sometimes we need to look for it! 😃
Yes we need more humor and I know God has a good one, just look at me (if you could you would know) I visiting a friend and at mass on Sunday the Priest started with a parrot joke (how many of you know any clean parrot jokes?) Well everyone was on edge listening waiting for the horror of the punch line. Well it was the 1st clean parrot joke and he did a good job incorporating the readings with the punch line of the joke. The best part of it all nobody slept through his homily and was talking about it after mass.
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