I’m Catholic and I’ve just finished watching a Father Groeschel EWTN program about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and of course one of the gifts is that of tongues (believed by both Catholics and Protestants) and specialised in by charismatic groups.
Personally I believe the gift of tongues was the ability to speak a foreign language (other than your mother tongue) which you couldn’t speak before. The tongues spoken in charismatic groups in my view is simply gibberish which neither the listener nor the speaker understands. I once attended a charismatic group meeting and was acually a bit offended by the attitude of some members. I was told that if I don’t understand tongues then it means the holy spirit is not in me because tongues is the only way to communicate with the holy spirit. They also said only tongues can be used to really perform an exorcism. I spoke to a priest afterwards and he told me that was nonsense what they said.
However their attitude reminds me of what St Paul said in 1 Cor. 14:1-40 about people who speak in tongues build themselves up whereas people who prophesy build up the church and it is far better to prophesy. Several priests I have talked to are sceptical about tongues and even some priests who do believe told me tongues is the least of the gifts, albeit this opinion does not seem to be shared by charismatics.
Is there an official Church position on Tongues?
Personally I believe the gift of tongues was the ability to speak a foreign language (other than your mother tongue) which you couldn’t speak before. The tongues spoken in charismatic groups in my view is simply gibberish which neither the listener nor the speaker understands. I once attended a charismatic group meeting and was acually a bit offended by the attitude of some members. I was told that if I don’t understand tongues then it means the holy spirit is not in me because tongues is the only way to communicate with the holy spirit. They also said only tongues can be used to really perform an exorcism. I spoke to a priest afterwards and he told me that was nonsense what they said.
However their attitude reminds me of what St Paul said in 1 Cor. 14:1-40 about people who speak in tongues build themselves up whereas people who prophesy build up the church and it is far better to prophesy. Several priests I have talked to are sceptical about tongues and even some priests who do believe told me tongues is the least of the gifts, albeit this opinion does not seem to be shared by charismatics.
Is there an official Church position on Tongues?