An update to this old thread -
My wife has begun a crusade, of sorts, to oust support for Girl Scouts at our Parish and hopefully throughout the Diocese. The bottom line is that our local council - Mid-Continent Council, has come back to us confirming their affiliation with Planned Parenthood for teen-based sex and relationship programs throughout the year and asserting their right to continue such affiliations going forward.
With this PP relationship, the taking of “God” out of their pledge (they allow for substitutions as appropriate), recommending no prayer during any meetings, and what appears to be a rather liberal (if not radical) feminist agenda in their program - I cannot see any reason any Catholic organization - school, parish or diocese, would support an affiliation – especially in light of Catholic and Christian, Christ-centered, alternatives.
What we have learned, however, is that there are many so-called “Catholic” supporters of Girl Scouts who see no problems with these items. Many of these, at least in our Diocese, also appear to be in the Youth Ministry office and on the local Girl Scouts Catholic Advisory board. Nonetheless, my wife is committed to taking the issue further and making sure this doesn’t just go away.
If anyone has any suggestions or can tell us what your Diocese or parish is doing about this, that would help. Pray, too.
Thank you,