I’ve been concerned with one thing for quite some time. I’m a Roman catholic, and though im not the most pious or knowledgeable person in the world when it comes to my religion, I feel that this matter is vital. My girlfriend and I are both two loving people that share a Christian faith, and we know that we have both found our “significant other” so to say, and that we are meant for each other, but there is one problem. Like i said im catholic and she is part of assemblies of God. One concern I have is that I want to have a traditional catholic wedding and I want it to be a sacrament. To my knowledge, i can marry a non-catholic but it wouldn’t be considered a sacrament. I’m not too knowing of all the rules or regulations when it comes to marriage in the catholic church,I don’t really know how to present this to her. She told me the other day that “she could never be catholic”. I just dont understand why some people think that catholicism is wrong or just dont want to become catholic. I feel she thinks that the catholic church may…focus on the wrong things or just may be too strict or that catholicism has its “quarks” and that its just not right for her. But I want us both to be part of this sacrament, i view marriage to be very important and wonderful and I would like her to be apart of that sacrament as well. I just don’t know what to say, because I’m not sure if she will even budge. I also want to raise my kids catholic. Though having kids is going to be awhile from now, I just know that i want to baptize them in the catholic church and im not sure what she would have to say about that. She feels that being baptized and joining a religion should be a “choice”. Any advice on this?