Giving without expectation

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Hello everyone,

I wonder if anyone else has this problem and how they get around it. I find myself never really giving freely time to God or to others, in fact, but actually giving with the expectation of getting something in return. Like yesterday I got REALLY prayed up and I met up with some frustration during the day. I was surprised because I FELT that I had done my time and therefore MY DAY SHOULD go smoothly. I feel this way with God and people, if I do my time, etc. then I expect certain things. I think I’ve been infected (not only by selfishness) but by the health and wealth gospel.

I know that this is the church militant here on earth and we are to offer up our sorrows to the Lord (and today is the feast of Our Lady or Sorrows) and that those who do God’s bidding might have a harder time of it than those who don’t. I also know that in the Bible it says that rain and sunshine will fall equally on all. And also I think in some Psalm it might say to some effect that God takes care of His own - but maybe the ‘taking care of’ means in Heaven rather than here.

I guess I’m asking for 2 things:
(1) Does God take care of His own here? Put in another way Does God take care of those who take care of themselves?
(2) How can I give without expectation more easily, especially to God? Thank you.
Choose to love more and more each day. Both God and other humans. The purer your love, the less you expect something in return.
God has given you EVERYTHING you have. Life, love, friends, etc. You do something small in return for his love and you expect even more? I don’t mean to sound like I’m putting you down, but really, should God treat you special? Maybe, by putting things in your way He is trying to get you to trust Him even more. Think about how some of the Saints lives went, St, Padre Pio, St, Teresa, etc. They were not catered to by God, even though they were very holy, why should you or I expect the same. God works with us and tries to bring us closer to him. You don’t want to put God to the test by saying, “Well, I did something for You, now You do something for me”. How in the world can we do something for God that would justify his giving us an easier life, when he has already given you life and all that you are and all that is around you.

Just something to think on…

I think that at times we can all feel alone, wonder what we are doing all this for. That is the human condition. Rethinking how we look at the reason for what we do always helps me. Spending time in prayer of thanksgiving, and supplication, everything should be done for the good God has already given us. Also, look at set backs as opportunities instead of set backs. The hour you spend in prayer should always start with a thanksgiving and praising, then for a request if needed. My car breaking down could be a hassle for me, but maybe there is an opportunity to help someone else, which in turn brings me closer to God. I am not saying that this is easy, but that it has helped me get through, especially when I begin my pitty parties.
There’s one scripture quotation that has given me a lot of peace on countless occasions. It MIGHT help you - well, it’s more when we suffer a loss, or a death, I guess. Actually, it’s two little verses from the book of Job rolled together, and is found in a short reading in the Liturgy of the Hours. Sorry I haven’t a Bible here at work, so I’m quoting from memory.

“Naked I came from my mother’s womb; naked I shall return. The Lord gave, the Lord has taken back. Blessed be the name of the Lord! If we take happiness from God’s hand, must we not take sorrow too?” (Job ?)

Anyway, don’t beat yourself up TOO much about what you see as a selfish attitude. The “world” and its mentality can’t help but leave its mark on us - we’re up against it all day long. Just hand this over to God, peacefully, tell Him you don’t want to be this way, but you need His help if you are to be otherwise. He knows how wretched we are; He loves us anyway and knows we can’t pull ourselves out of our wretchedness by our own bootlaces.
I know exactly (well, more or less) how you feel. But struggling and tons of self-blame doesn’t work for me.
Oh yes, absolutely, God takes care of His own, those who help themselves and those who are unable to help themselves, yes. We are all His own.

To give more freely of myself without expectations to God I ask Our Lord to show me the way, I ask Him to help me to open my heart that I may be more giving. During prayer I recall all that God has done for me all my life long and I thank Him for His presence in my life. When I open my heart and I become more grateful for His all-encompassing Love I take in more of His Love into my heart. Then I have much more to give to Him. I do not expect Him to fill my heart, per se, but I have found He does so freely!

St Padre Pio’s writings have really helped me to open my heart. Also the writings of Henri Nouwen, and St Theresa of Calcutta (Mother Theresa). The more I am able to open my heart the more love I have to give, and because this love was given to me freely by Our Lord and Our Father and the Holy Spirit I may give of it freely to others. The secret is keeping my heart open!
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