Giving yourself to Mary (devotion)

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Hi all,

I’m new Christianity, Catholicism, and the forums, and I’m having some difficulty understanding what devotion really is. Specifically, there are some Marian prayers which at first look seem “too” devoted for me.

For example, the end of one prayer I found is:
Mary, my Mother, I am now yours completely. By your powerful intercession, obtain for me eternal salvation. Amen.
What does it mean to give yourself completely to Mary and how is it not blasphemous? Even though I feel a love for Mary and the amazing things she has done for us, I find this prayer a little troubling. How can I give myself completely to Jesus and then turn around and give myself completely to His Mother?

Also, I’ve got a lot of Protestant friends, and I know that their reactions to prayers of this type often make them think Mary is worshipped in the Church. To be honest, the wording of this prayer is very powerful, and putting myself in their shoes, I can understand why they think this.

God Bless!
By your powerful intercession
I guess this is the most important part of the prayer to emphasize. She isn’t giving us salvation, she is requesting for us salvation.
I understand the reluctance to embrace such strong language in your relationship with Mary. What I’ve done to help me along the path to not reacting negativelly towards this type of language is to simply not use it until Mary and Jesus have brought me to a place where it doesn’t turn me off to Mary, herself.
I think that there is a danger of jumping so deeply into Marian devotions that really turn you off by their intensity before you have built up a real relationship with her, in your own language. You sound like you are already building a relationship with her. Do what is natural in the context of your relationship with her - if it’s not praying that prayer, or others like it- then don’t - just don’t think too much on them right now and use your own words or other prayers that do resonate with you. If Jesus and Mary want that type of relationship between you and her then you will be led there naturally, if you are faithful to what you do know and love about her.
As for your protestant friends - just keep hammering away at the actual doctrine and teaching - don’t even try to explain the devotional language that is sometimes applied to Mary except in the context of the teaching. They/we have to understand the teaching, long before they, or you, or I can understand this powerful language of devotion.
Along with Anthony’s Mom’s great answer, I just wanted to add that when a Catholic consecrates himself to Mary he is actually consecrating himself to Jesus through her as intercessor, helper, exemplar, and guide. Protestants misinterpret words, such as “by your powerful intercession” (cited by AM) as meaning that we see Mary as our ONE intercessor with God, replacing the intercession of Christ with the Father, which we most certainly don’t do or mean to do. We firmly believe that Christ offered his one sacrifice to God for our redemption, but many Protestants confuse all intercession by any saint as replacing that one sacrifice of Christ offered for our propitiation. They don’t understand the teachings inherent in the Communion of Saints.
What does it mean to give yourself completely to Mary and how is it not blasphemous?
I highly recommend reading the book “True Devotion to Mary” by St. Louis de Montfort which should give you a better understanding of Marian devotion:

Please read at least Part I. If you pick up a hard copy avoid the Tan edition which translates “worship” instead of “venerate”.
Anthony’s Mom, Della, and Madia,

Thank you all for your quick responses! You’ve given me lots of things to think, pray, and meditate about already. I look forward to knowing Our Lady better and sharing in the love that She and Jesus share for all of us ❤️

I highly recommend reading the book “True Devotion to Mary” by St. Louis de Montfort which should give you a better understanding of Marian devotion:

Please read at least Part I. If you pick up a hard copy avoid the Tan edition which translates “worship” instead of “venerate”.
Not that you shouldn’t read True Devotion…definitely give it a try…but that is exactly the book that I had to stay away from for a long while I was getting to know Mary on my own. It’s pretty intense. Just a little FYI.
Anthony's Mom:
Not that you shouldn’t read True Devotion…definitely give it a try…but that is exactly the book that I had to stay away from for a long while I was getting to know Mary on my own. It’s pretty intense. Just a little FYI.
Thanks, I’ll definitely keep that in mind and read it with a grain of salt. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one with this hangup.

Mary is the perfect model of obedience and love for us. Jesus gave her to us as our Mother in the order of grace, and she loves each of us with a special love.

Praying the Rosary is like taking her hand and walking through the Divine Mysteries of Jesus’ life. No one knew Him better than Mary.


Thanks, I’ll definitely keep that in mind and read it with a grain of salt.
No, that is precisely the wrong attitude to take with this book. You can trust St. Louis de Montfort.
I highly recommend reading the book “True Devotion to Mary” by St. Louis de Montfort which should give you a better understanding of Marian devotion:

Please read at least Part I.
Reading just the first paragraph answers a lot of my doubts, here it is for others:
**1. Mary’s part in the Incarnation **
14. With the whole Church I acknowledge that Mary, being a mere creature fashioned by the hands of God is, compared to his infinite majesty, less than an atom, or rather is simply nothing, since he alone can say, “I am he who is”. Consequently, this great Lord, who is ever independent and self-sufficient, never had and does not now have any absolute need of the Blessed Virgin for the accomplishment of his will and the manifestation of his glory. To do all things he has only to will them. It really is beautiful how God chose to reveal Christ to us. Knowing that he chose Mary when he did not need her speaks volumes to me. Thanks for the reading recommendation:thumbsup: I’m looking forward to reading the rest of it:-)

Welcome! I like to think of it in the most simple human terms. Christ was the perfect son ever to walk the earth. We can assume safely that he loved his mother limitlessly. If Christ loves mother Mary as mother, I would like to love her too as a mother. This is why as Catholics our devotion to her began when Christ gives John to her and says: behold your son. All of a sudden, humanity had a mother other than Eve.

in XT
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