I am in the process right now of total consecration to the Blessed Mother (day 11 of 34).
One of my degrees is a B.A. in English, with a focus on medieval lit, so I personally am much more comfortable with the literary style of TGOM, or of De Montfort, than would be, say, the average engineering or criminal justice major.
And as a cradle Catholic from the good old elementary School Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I was accustomed to a “Marian emphasis” before the term was fashionable.
Jurist, the fact is, if you remember, there are three types of what we call “worship”–the word itself in its original meaning was “honor”. After all, we honor our father and mother–it’s in the COMMANDMENTS! Such worship is dullia.
Hyperdullia–a higher worship but only in degree, as it is heightened “dullia”, is due to Mary, as the mother of God, the “fiat” of the Incarnation, the being created “without sin”, spouse of the Holy Spirit, daughter of the Most High God.
Finally, LATRIA is the worship or honor due to GOD ALONE. Not simply, “higher dullia”, but the worship of our Father, Lord, and King, our Creator. We honor (dullia, hyperdulia) our fellow creatures, be they our parents, holy men and women, our Blessed Mother) but we WORSHIP (latria) GOD ALONE.
Any worship of Mary (hyperdullia) is done acknowledging her as God’s most perfect CREATURE who happens to be one of US but whose life on earth is a model for us to follow Christ PERFECTLY, and whose life in heaven is as Queen and Mother. To honor her PROPERLY and BEST is to worship her SON and GOD, and that is the ONLY reason she is honored more than we would honor our parents or any other holy person.
So, any honor we give to Mary is honor GIVEN TO GOD.
We take nothing FROM God to honor Mary–we GIVE TO GOD WHEN we honor Mary. We go to Jesus, the way, truth, and life, THROUGH Mary.
After all, if somebody praised you for some good deed, but either completely ignored your mom, was rude to her, or intimated that you did your good deed or turned out a good person IN SPITE OF HER HORRID JOB RAISING YOU, wouldn’t you be, not basking in your deserved praise, but a trifle annoyed at the blatent disrespect shown your mother? She didn’t do your good deed, but didn’t her choosing to carry you, nuture you, love you, teach you, and guide you have SOMETHING to do with your becoming the person you are?