I have gained 20 lbs since my father went in the hospital in April and died in August. I have definitely been using food as a drug sort of speak. I told someone that if I thought gluttony was a mortal sin I would stop or go to confession two times a week before I receive the Eucharist. She said “maybe it is for you”. This began my thought process. I know gluttony fits the 2nd and 3rd requirements for me for a mortal sin. I know it is wrong and I do it anyway with my freewill, but does it fit the 1st one? Is it grave in nature? I have always thought “grave in nature” as an objective not a subjective thing. I do not believe in relativism. For gluttony to be “grave in nature” does it have to be obviously affecting one’s health? If gluttony is a mortal sin, does every person who eats “one mouthful past full” have to go to confession each time?
Food for thought.
Food for thought.