Take a look at this site.
Thank goodness for the Internet. I use to wonder what punishment in hell might be, and now – thanks to their brief “sin"opsis” – I know. Not only that, I can blame it on mom, too! And I can get a stylish tee-shirt, to boot?
The “Gluttony is an excessive desire for or indulgence in food or drink” quote is interesting, but what constitutes an excessive desire for or indulgence of? I mean, I’m not terribly picky when it comes to food – I’ll pretty much eat whatever is put in front of me. And therein lies the problem!
I don’t
think I’m a glutton, but I have wondered about it. I mean, I like good food, but I don’t think I’m obsessive about it.
Right now, I’m hauling around a few extra pounds of carcass that I need to get rid of. Picked them up while my wife was in the hospital. She was in ICU for about eight days and in the hospital for a month. My breakfast was a pair of donuts and coffee from Quick Trip, there were a few trips to the hospital vending machine throughout the day each day and then dinner in whatever restaurant was still open when the nurses finally kicked me out at night. Can’t say I enjoyed any of it much, and it was eating to live not living to eat. Still, I managed to put on the weight. Does that make me a glutton?
Usually, though, I end up thinking that whatever vice is in question, no matter how much I indulge in it that I need to indulge just a little bit less. Then just a little bit less, again. And so on. Probably it’s not really possible to know for sure exactly when you stop eating to live and start living to eat, so why get too close to the line, right?