God Always Answers Prayers

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Hey all,

God is good:) I’ve been having a really rough time lately with a lot of things going on in my life, and the only one I’ve been able to talk to about them is God…the problem with this is I am also having a really hard time remembering that God is there and listening to me…it feels like I am really completely alone, talking only out of habit and with no really conviction that He is listening.

One of the things that I’ve been struggling with is my family. It’s really a mess right now, for many reasons. One thing that’s really been testing me is my oldest sister, who used to have an incredible faith but has severely drifted away from it. I can’t talk to her like I used to because we’re so different now, and she always makes me so uncomfortable because of some of the things she talks about…I can’t believe that she would ever do those things, not with the knowlege of her God and her faith, but still she does…and it’s been hurting me a lot that there’s little I can do to try to bring her back.

I’ve been praying to God about this for some time, and, almost confirming my doubts, nothing has changed. This week a lot of the stuff, including this, hit me really, really hard, and I was so close to completely breaking down. I totally just felt like giving up everything.

Then this morning, my brother came into my room with the phone, and told me it was her on the other line…I picked up to hear her say, “Britty, I just needed to tell you that I love you.” It didn’t really sink in because I was caught so off guard. I returned the blessing, and she told me that she had had a horrible dream, and that she had found out in it how much she needed to tell me that she loved me…she wouldn’t tell me what the dream was, but it really scared her…anyway, after that we talked for a little bit, just sister to sister…not about anything important, just stuff like homecoming and the recent mullit I was given in a bad haircut…but it felt so good, and after we hung up, i realized how much I had needed to hear that from someone, especially her.

God answers prayers…that phone call helped me so much, when all I had been begging God for was something to get me through, to help me feel like I still had some purpose, that I would make it. Even though nothing is really better, I know that it can get better, and my faith continues to be restored each time God shows me that He’s listening.

Just thought I’d share:)

God bless,
In Him,
Your perserverance in prayer and your continued faith in God is a wonderful example to those who are also struggling.

It also shows that your sister, who you felt in some way lost to you, is still there. Continue to bond with her. Be an example of Christ. You may not be able to share everything you once did but that bond is too important. Accept her growing stage and just love her and not her sins. After all isn’t that what Christ taught us.

May I suggest prayers to St. Monica, she continally prayed for St. Augustine to return to God, to interceed for your sister.
Excellent advice Jen, and Britty, you are so loved. God is probably “testing” you, you know, those little things that happen over and over and He draws you closer to Him, just keep praying and never give up! Your sister is a little lost now is all, God knows that too, He is working on her. Your love and kindness shines through, your care and concern for her is something that God wanted you to know that He understands. Thank you for sharing this, it has brightened my day.(Have you ever read about people like St. Teresa’, they too experienced that they didn’t feel God was listening, even Blessed Mother Therese went throught that too.) Remember He cares for you, what’s that verse about how he cares for the birds of the air and the flowers in the field, how much more for us? (I haven’t read or heard that one in awhile, I’ll look it up.) God love you. :love: …and let’s not forget to ask the Blessed Mother’s intercession too. (I will keep you and your family in my prayers too.)
Yeah I’ve sorta been in a funk lately too. Praying the Rosary out of habit, slacking on the Liturgy of the Hours, struggling to go to daily Mass…
The less prayer, the more I feel alone.
So its like, I know what I have to do, but the devil is just holdin me back. Today has to be the turnaround… I’m sick of feeling sad and alone.
By the way, with your sister… I have a similiar situation with my 2 oldest sisters (i have 3 older sisters, im the youngest) and it always seems like the more you pray, the worse it gets. But then a few weeks ago, my one sister came around. And my other sister is doin better too. ( i wont go into detail)
Mary helps, pray the Rosary.
and come to think of it…i dont think i’ve heard the words I Love You from anyone except for like my family, and it’s always been out of habit you know?
lol dang, i better stop before i depress myself.

hang in there, if there’s one thing i’ve learned is that the mountain peeks more than make up for the valleys that we go through.
we grow stronger, more humble, more dependent on the Lord. i just keep tellin myself
The Lord giveth
And the Lord taketh away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
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