I remember back in math class, my professor would teach us about philosophy. So one day he asked a really good question about God, and I wasn’t able to come up with an answer for it. The question was, “You think God is the cause of everything that happens in the Universe, but how do you know He isn’t just being used to explain the unexplinable?” He continued: “Let’s say a boy claims he has an invisible friend, and he says he is real because he closes doors, makes dishes fall in the sink, and other such random activities. How could you explain that this invisible friend isn’t real?” It’s meant to be a trick question, but I think I stumbled upon the answers to both questions while pondering them today.
To answer the second question: I could use logic and science to explain the random phenomenoms. For example, a wind might close the door, the dishes might be unevenly stacked, the forces of gravity and friction could be in play. Granted, the boy might not be old enough to understand science, so, I could use demonstrations to prove my point. Even still, this might not be convincing, so I could ask him to make his friend do something that would prove he exists, for example, lift an object or some such superhuman activity. If such an activity did occur, than it would be a matter of figuring who and what the friend is, and this would have no bearing on whether or not the friend actually exists. However, this is unlikely to occur, and in the likehood that it dosen’t, the various proofs - science, demonstration, self-evidence - would suffice to prove that the individual friend dosen’t exist outside the mind. Of course, even a stubborn heart can refuse proof, though this would have no bearing on the proof being sufficent.
To answer the first question: The first thing to understand is, God is not like an invisible friend: He isn’t a being that interacts with our world as a part of our world. Rather, He is super-natural and He uses secondary causes: For example, wheat is used to feed a man, earth is used as man’s home, and clothing is used to protect against weather and to express oneself. Because He uses secondary causes, He provides what is necessary for man, and because all these things are from Him and their existence sustained by Him, He is the Cause of them. Moreover, because He uses secondary causes, Christians call miracles “divine interventions”, because it is a case of God directly interviening in history as opposed to permitting - say - the body to heal by itself or the bread to become mold or so on. Furthermore, if God was simply a spirit and not a perfect spiritual being, than He would not be supernatural at all, and thus, could not be called God. Now, as to how God is known to exist, the above proofs can be used to explain Him. Science demonstrates that an infinite and incomprehensive something is the cause of the Universe; this matches up with God, save for a few attributes, which will bring us to the third proof. Demonstration would be along the lines of scientific experiments, observations, and thinking, which would show that only something infinite and incomprehensive could have started the Universe. Because this something is infinite and incomprehsive, that means two things: A finite being like man could never fully understand what it is, although he could know to an extent, and, man could never find out what it is on his own, although he could know it exists using reason. Thus, we come to self-evidence: Revelation and miracles. The former would be the something revealing itself to man, in as far as man can understand, and in a gradual manner, developing the understanding of itself to man, to the point where man would understand the thing in as far as he possibly could: This would be an example of God revealing Himself to man, gradually through history, culminating in the revelation of the inner life of God: The Holy Trinity (obviously some objections will be raised, such as the reliability of the Bible and the historicity of Jesus). The latter would be events which science cannot explain - instant healings, mutliplication of food, fire coming down from the sky, etc. - and thus would be scientifically inexplainable but theologically understood to be from God (obviously, objections will be raised, such as how Christianity is superior to other religions and the knowledge of the truth). Taken individually, each of these proofs would mount to nothing, but, taken altogether, the proofs would mount to evidence of God’s existene - like a picture: Each dot and line is nothing at all, but when you look at the whole image, you see it for what it is. Of course, just like a picture, it must make sense in order to be serious: You can’t draw a triangle and call it a square.
Feel free to contrique and discuss.
To answer the second question: I could use logic and science to explain the random phenomenoms. For example, a wind might close the door, the dishes might be unevenly stacked, the forces of gravity and friction could be in play. Granted, the boy might not be old enough to understand science, so, I could use demonstrations to prove my point. Even still, this might not be convincing, so I could ask him to make his friend do something that would prove he exists, for example, lift an object or some such superhuman activity. If such an activity did occur, than it would be a matter of figuring who and what the friend is, and this would have no bearing on whether or not the friend actually exists. However, this is unlikely to occur, and in the likehood that it dosen’t, the various proofs - science, demonstration, self-evidence - would suffice to prove that the individual friend dosen’t exist outside the mind. Of course, even a stubborn heart can refuse proof, though this would have no bearing on the proof being sufficent.
To answer the first question: The first thing to understand is, God is not like an invisible friend: He isn’t a being that interacts with our world as a part of our world. Rather, He is super-natural and He uses secondary causes: For example, wheat is used to feed a man, earth is used as man’s home, and clothing is used to protect against weather and to express oneself. Because He uses secondary causes, He provides what is necessary for man, and because all these things are from Him and their existence sustained by Him, He is the Cause of them. Moreover, because He uses secondary causes, Christians call miracles “divine interventions”, because it is a case of God directly interviening in history as opposed to permitting - say - the body to heal by itself or the bread to become mold or so on. Furthermore, if God was simply a spirit and not a perfect spiritual being, than He would not be supernatural at all, and thus, could not be called God. Now, as to how God is known to exist, the above proofs can be used to explain Him. Science demonstrates that an infinite and incomprehensive something is the cause of the Universe; this matches up with God, save for a few attributes, which will bring us to the third proof. Demonstration would be along the lines of scientific experiments, observations, and thinking, which would show that only something infinite and incomprehensive could have started the Universe. Because this something is infinite and incomprehsive, that means two things: A finite being like man could never fully understand what it is, although he could know to an extent, and, man could never find out what it is on his own, although he could know it exists using reason. Thus, we come to self-evidence: Revelation and miracles. The former would be the something revealing itself to man, in as far as man can understand, and in a gradual manner, developing the understanding of itself to man, to the point where man would understand the thing in as far as he possibly could: This would be an example of God revealing Himself to man, gradually through history, culminating in the revelation of the inner life of God: The Holy Trinity (obviously some objections will be raised, such as the reliability of the Bible and the historicity of Jesus). The latter would be events which science cannot explain - instant healings, mutliplication of food, fire coming down from the sky, etc. - and thus would be scientifically inexplainable but theologically understood to be from God (obviously, objections will be raised, such as how Christianity is superior to other religions and the knowledge of the truth). Taken individually, each of these proofs would mount to nothing, but, taken altogether, the proofs would mount to evidence of God’s existene - like a picture: Each dot and line is nothing at all, but when you look at the whole image, you see it for what it is. Of course, just like a picture, it must make sense in order to be serious: You can’t draw a triangle and call it a square.
Feel free to contrique and discuss.