God as the Ongoing Source of Being

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Am I correct in asserting that the statement, “God decrees the things that exist to continue to exist and exhibit the properties proper to them, just as He decreed them into existence,” is consistent with the de fide doctrine that God maintains the existence of all things by the same Power He created them?
Yes you are correct mythbuster1, God Designed, Decreed, Predestined and Orders/ Causes every event that happen or will happen in the universe.
Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma by Ludwig Ott;

There is a supernatural intervention of God in the faculties of the soul, which precedes the free act of the will, (De fide).
Aquinas said, “God changes the will WITHOUT FORCING IT.
But he can change the will from the fact that He himself operates in the will as He does in nature,” De Veritatis 22:9.
308 The truth that God is at work in all the actions of his creatures is inseparable from faith in God the Creator.
God is the first cause who operates in and through secondary causes:
For God is at work in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
Far from diminishing the creature’s dignity, this truth enhances it.
2022; The divine initiative in the work of grace precedes, prepares, and elicits the free response of man.

CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA Divine Providence explains.

“His wisdom He so orders all events within the universe that the end for which it was created may be realized.

He directs all, even evil and sin itself, to the final end for which the universe was created.

God preserves the universe in being; He acts in and with every creature in each and all its activities.”
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Free Will also explains;

“God is the author of all causes and effects, God’s omnipotent providence exercises a complete and perfect control over all events that happen, or will happen, in the universe.”
St. Thomas (C. G., II, xxviii) if God’s purpose were made dependent on the foreseen free act of any creature, God would thereby sacrifice His own freedom, and would submit Himself to His creatures, thus abdicating His essential supremacy–a thing which is, of course, utterly inconceivable.

303 The sacred books powerfully affirm God’s absolute sovereignty over the course of events.

The Divine will is cause of all things that happen, as Augustine says (De Trin. iii, 1 seqq.). Therefore all things are subject to fate.

The same is true for events in our lives. Relative to us they often appear to be by chance.
But relative to God, who directs everything according to his divine plan, nothing occurs by chance.

Hence if this divine influence stopped, every operation would stop.
Every operation,
therefore, of anything is traced back to Him as its cause. (Summa Contra Gentiles, Book III.)
301 God does not abandon his creatures to themselves.
He not only gives them being and existence, but also, and at every moment, upholds and sustains them in being, utter dependence enables them to act and brings them to their final end .
Recognizing this with respect to the Creator is a source of wisdom and freedom, of joy and confidence.
God bless
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Am I correct in asserting that the statement, “God decrees the things that exist to continue to exist and exhibit the properties proper to them, just as He decreed them into existence,” is consistent with the de fide doctrine that God maintains the existence of all things by the same Power He created them?
What’s the emphasis on decree? You are not wrong, but yes, God has a will and chooses to create and conserve so it naturally follows that he decrees it.
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Aquinas said, “God changes the will WITHOUT FORCING IT.
But he can change the will from the fact that He himself operates in the will as He does in nature,” De Veritatis 22:9.
I am not saying this is wrong, but I’m not able to find this quotation. Are these Aquinas’ exact words (translated into English, of course)? Are you able to link to it? I looked through his disputed questions on truth and could not find it based on word searches for “force” and “chang”, and I don’t see 22 articles. Am I looking at the wrong document?
Aquinas said, “God changes the will WITHOUT FORCING IT.
But he can change the will from the fact that He himself operates in the will as He does in nature,” De Veritatis 22:9.
I am not saying this is wrong, but I’m not able to find this quotation. Are these Aquinas’ exact words (translated into English, of course)? Are you able to link to it? I looked through his disputed questions on truth and could not find it based on word searches for “force” and “chang”, and I don’t see 22 articles. Am I looking at the wrong document?

Questions about divine causation and freedom - Philosophy …

https:// forums.catholic-questions.org /t/questions-about-divine-causation-and-freedom/567894

20/10/2019 · Aquinas said, “God changes the will WITHOUT FORCING IT . But he can change the will from the fact that He himself operates in the will as He does in nature,” De Veritatis 22:9… 308 The truth that God is at work in all the actions of his creatures is inseparable from faith in God the Creator.

Thomas Aquinas and the doctrine of election | The Puritan …

https:// www.puritanboard.com /threads/ thomas-aquinas-and-the-doctrine

18/02/2008 · They claim God 's grace establishes what will be freely chosen, but in a way that does not disturb the will’s freedom. Aquinas said, "God changes the will without forcing it . But he can change the will from the fact that he himself operates in the will as he does in nature," De Veritatis 22:9. 31. ST I-II:112:3. 32. Gaudium et Spes 22; "being …

A tiptoe through TULIP | EWTN

https:// www.ewtn.com /catholicism/library/tiptoe-through-tulip-1163

They claim God’s grace establishes what will be freely chosen, but in a way that does not disturb the will’s freedom. Aquinas said, “God changes the will without forcing it. But he can change the will from the fact that he himself operates in the will as he does in nature,” De Veritatis 22:9. 31. ST I-II:112:3. 32 . Gaudium et Spes 22; "being …
God bless
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I’ll look further I just can’t seem to find it in Aquinas’ own writings. Maybe I have the wrong document.
Am I correct in asserting that the statement, “God decrees the things that exist to continue to exist and exhibit the properties proper to them, just as He decreed them into existence,” …God maintains the existence of all things by the same Power He created them?
Another way of phrasing this is to say that God is currently and always causing all being(s) to exist. Beings within the universe are like the music that God is playing (to use an analogy). Beings within the universe are not like the watch that He created however long ago and then laid down on a desk for the watch to continue on existing of its own power. The watch and watchmaker analogy is an improper and terribly misleading one.

The conclusions of St Thomas Aquinas lead a person to say that existence is only proper to God, not to any contingent being. Contingent beings only are (exist) by what can be identified as an “improper share” in the divine Existence.
Am I correct in asserting that the statement, “God decrees the things that exist to continue to exist and exhibit the properties proper to them, just as He decreed them into existence,” is consistent with the de fide doctrine that God maintains the existence of all things by the same Power He created them?


With respect to what is part OF de fide - no one should ever deny Man’s Free Will - and how that most especially pertains to The Fall of Man and Original Sin - which brought about the Need of our Redeemer: Jesus - Messiah of All.

It’s all right to question… however…

Just As Out Lord Jesus Has Prophesied of what has already occurred and what occurs and must still occur - in some cases it’s lying Interlopers who do so - and who in turn continually attempt to undermine God - and especially Scriptures and therefore: Christ / Christians / Christianity / Sacred Apostolic Traditions / Catholic Magisterium - in many diverse and various manners.

We run across them constantly - yea, even on Catholic Forums…

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I affirm the free will of men and angels as being a property of those creatures that God endowed them with and maintains as part of their existence.
“I affirm the free will of men and angels as being a property of those creatures that God endowed them with and maintains as part of their existence.”

I disagree w/“maintains” in this manner …

… As there’s nothing in the Scriptures right on up to the end of Revelations which is our Future and which would suggest in any manner that God would ever undo what he Willed for Man: whether Saved or not…

The Free Will part of Man’s nature is very significant … as in it’s a Has to Be…

For it connects with God’s Will to allow Humans to become actual Children of God… without ever 'twisting their arm" - or being a robot-like creature - without the form of Sentience which God possesses and which allows for an Infinite in-Depth Love and Joy. … way beyond mere solo instinct.

We are Free to choose to either Accept or Reject His offer… Him… His Kingdom.
and The Communion of Saints - and angelic beings…

With Jesus as our Eldest Brother and High Priest we are as actual Kin to Him -
growing into a very unique Oneness
  • just as exists with God the Father and The Lamb of God.
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