God' Calling - How did you know?

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How did or do you know call is calling you to a religious life, married life, or single life?
I’ll start. Since I was little I never wanted to be anything else but a wife & mother; my Mom was a good example. Well, God’s timing was different than mine.

I graduated from High School - no husband. My family strongly encouraged education & so I went on to get my degree. I got my BA - no husband. Then I got my MA - no husband. However, Because of my degree & subsequent job I held, I was in the town where my present husband’s family lived. His sister worked with me & that’s how we met.

Now I’m a wife & mother and I have one daughter that says, “Mama, I want to get married and have children just like you.” Maybe God has placed this desire as strongly in her heart as he did mine. I just hope I’m a good example.
You may “know” in a personal way that you are called to a particular state of life but you don’t “know” for sure until the Church affirms it for you by admitting you to marriage, the priesthood, Religious life . . .

Do not expect to be hit over the head with a 2x4. Remember Elijah: God was not present in the earthquake, the wind or the fire. It was the “small voice.” The “voice” may not be more than a question for you. But if you do not pursue it, you will never know.

Once you have entered a particular state (marriage, religious life) if you feel you have made a mistake, you need to realize that you have made a commitment before God – in some cases, such as marriage, you have entered into Solemn Vows – and that God will give you the grace to persevere. Your “feelings” that you made a mistake are a temptation.
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