God calling me "home" to the Catholic Church

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Hello All,

I’d first like to let you know that my respect for the Catholic Church is deep and wide birthed from the patience of many members like yourself on a CA of a few years back. Today I have a Rosary, which I have had for a year given to me by the Rosary Army (Thank God for them.) As of lately, I feel called to join the Catholic Church, and having walked on the road of Christian most of my life I would assume that process would not be too difficult.

Here’s where I run into problems. I’m having difficulty finding a parish that I connect with well. I attended the one closest to me but didn’t appreciate the Mass the way it was meant to be appreciated. I tried to open dialogue with the priest of said parish, but after one letter, an e-mail, and a e-mail response things ended less than cordially. I’ve made several phone calls attempting to contact the priest to discuss my desire to join the Church, but he in his e-mail he basically gave me the impression that I was not wanted.

Now, I know that I know the God’s Truth, that He wants me and that whether this was a misunderstanding or simply a priest misconstruing my persistent questioning as childish pestering with no sincere desire to come into full communion with the Church. I have no grudge against this priest, however I think he and I would agree that perhaps my local parish is not the best fit for me.

I need help getting in touch with a parish, more specifically a priest who can help take my desire to come home to the full communion of the Church to the next level if not all the way to full fruition and acceptance.

In Him,
Hello All,

I’d first like to let you know that my respect for the Catholic Church is deep and wide birthed from the patience of many members like yourself on a CA of a few years back. Today I have a Rosary, which I have had for a year given to me by the Rosary Army (Thank God for them.) As of lately, I feel called to join the Catholic Church, and having walked on the road of Christian most of my life I would assume that process would not be too difficult.

Here’s where I run into problems. I’m having difficulty finding a parish that I connect with well. I attended the one closest to me but didn’t appreciate the Mass the way it was meant to be appreciated. I tried to open dialogue with the priest of said parish, but after one letter, an e-mail, and a e-mail response things ended less than cordially. I’ve made several phone calls attempting to contact the priest to discuss my desire to join the Church, but he in his e-mail he basically gave me the impression that I was not wanted.

Now, I know that I know the God’s Truth, that He wants me and that whether this was a misunderstanding or simply a priest misconstruing my persistent questioning as childish pestering with no sincere desire to come into full communion with the Church. I have no grudge against this priest, however I think he and I would agree that perhaps my local parish is not the best fit for me.

I need help getting in touch with a parish, more specifically a priest who can help take my desire to come home to the full communion of the Church to the next level if not all the way to full fruition and acceptance.

In Him,
Welcome Nathan. Try this website and see what other Catholic Churches are in your area. Also, feel free to ask questions here as well as to a Priest. There are many people here who are knowledgeable and may be able to help. God bless.
Welcome home!
you will find the parish through which you are to enter the Church, keep on Searching. You may find that just going to your nearest parish and asking to speak to the RCIA director is enough. I don’t know that we actually know, beyond or our opinions and feelings, unless we have studied the matter in great depth, whether or not Mass at this or that parish is “all it should be” so perhaps that judgement can wait for a while. I know I am certainly not qualified to make such a determination beyond the most obvious liturgical abuses.

The rule for monasteries used to (maybe still does) say that a new applicant would be turned away at the door 3 times to test his vocation, and he would only be admitted as a novice on the 4th try, so there is probably a lesson for us there on patience and persistence.

you have already taken the first most important step, getting started with the rosary. that will definitely put you on the fast track.
Many parishes start new classes this time of year so start calling around, we need you and yes you are wanted.
Welcome home. Do not be discouraged. God is definitely calling you and as the reply before me had mentioned, it might be a test.
Pray the rosary and asked the Blessed Virgin Mary for guidance in your journey of faith.
God bless. Live Jesus in our hearts.

Welcome. A year ago I was writing similar notes, now I am a Catholic. Finding a parish was not an option here but as God leads, you will find a place where you are comfortable.
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