God Defend New Zealand

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I am not sure if this is the right category, so feel free to change it if necessary.

At the moment, my country of New Zealand is trying to legalise abortion and euthanasia. The references to Christ were removed from parliament prayers, and our Prime Minister gave birth out of wedlock in office.

I love New Zealand, and always will. I hope you will Pray for the situation here, and may God Bless you.

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OK let’s assume that each becomes freely available to women and people who are dying. What plans is the Catholic Church putting in place to persuade people to make the choice not to avail themselves of the new-found freedoms? Or is the campaign just around the legalities and not the realities of individuals making choices?
OK let’s assume that each becomes freely available to women and people who are dying. What plans is the Catholic Church putting in place to persuade people to make the choice not to avail themselves of the new-found freedoms? Or is the campaign just around the legalities and not the realities of individuals making choices?
The Church always focuses on persuading people not to. The threat of mortal sin should be more than enough.

What is your opinion on this most pressing issue.
The Church always focuses on persuading people not to. The threat of mortal sin should be more than enough.
Well, for those of us who are not believers and don’t, therefore, believe immortal sin, it is not much of a disincentive. It also doesn’t seem deter Catholics who seem to have abortions (not sure about euthanasia) s frequently as other women.

But does the Church in New Zealand really concentrate of persuading people not to have abortions (or take advantage of soon-to-be-legal euthanasia), as distinct from arguing for the state to use its coercive powers to stop people?
I can join this appeal.
I am only on working on fixed-time contract in NZ and probably wont spend whole life here, but I already started to love this country and I am terrified seeing what is happening now.

Let us pray so Triune God may deign to spare this country from this murderous frenzy spreading over whole world
Some Catholic women have abortions because they are cultural Catholics or have fallen away from the faith. Don’t say that the Church is hypocritical or not vocally opposed enough to abortion.
This seems like the right place, though it can also work in prayer intentions.

I’m not worried about the removal of Christian references from government functions because I believe freedom of religion is beneficial for society (especially for the Catholic Church, which was historically persecuted in protestant-majority societies). As for the Prime Minister, while I admit I don’t know about her (I’m not a New Zealander) I don’t think having a child outside of marriage makes someone irredeemable - after all, St. Augustine of Hippo was guilty of this as well prior to his conversion.

However I am worried about the potential legalization of abortion, which would result in the innocent being slain. God will triumph in the end, but we should pray that God does not allow such a heinous law to come to pass here.
From what I’ve learned from a poster on another forum who lives in New Zealand, that country is being governed very badly. He has firsthand knowledge of what goes on there, and it’s not only immoral, it’s more than just a little loony. He is thinking of taking his family and moving to Australia as soon as possible.
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