I work out a lot in the gym. If I see someone doing something terribly wrong that they might hurt themselves, I try to help, show them what they’re doing wrong. It’s not judging them for being “stupid”, maybe they just learned wrong, or whatever, but it’s not a situation where I can ignore the fact that they might hurt themselves.
When I’m at work, and if I do something wrong, one of my coworkers or my boss will point it out to me so that I can get it right. It’s not a situation where I can keep doing the same thing incorrectly and expect my business to prosper. If I don’t correct it, I’ll probs be fired.
Is it not the same with our spiritual life? If we see someone on the wrong track, it is out of Love that we correct them. If they persist in their error after several attempts, well, that’s on them. But if I don’t attempt to correct them, that’s on me.