Since I had told you of our plans to try to conceive again, I wanted to update you that God has blessed us with another child! We are so ecstatic and humbled by the realization that God DOES know our hopes and dreams and waits until the best moment to reveal his plan.
DH is still in Alabama, (I told him over the phone last night,) and he is so excited but has a lot of fear over the “what ifs.”
We want and love this baby so much in this short time, (I’m only 11 DPO but have had 4 positive tests,) and we pray that we will get to spend the rest of our llives with him/her. However, since we know the fragility of life, (we found out that Carolyn might miscarry at 6 weeks because of internal bleeding,) we ask for your prayers to bless this baby with health and tenacity for us to take whatever challenges that God may give us.
I’m truly just trying to enjoy every minute, hour and day of knowing that there is another little soul with us.
I’ll keep you updated!
Thank you,
DH is still in Alabama, (I told him over the phone last night,) and he is so excited but has a lot of fear over the “what ifs.”
We want and love this baby so much in this short time, (I’m only 11 DPO but have had 4 positive tests,) and we pray that we will get to spend the rest of our llives with him/her. However, since we know the fragility of life, (we found out that Carolyn might miscarry at 6 weeks because of internal bleeding,) we ask for your prayers to bless this baby with health and tenacity for us to take whatever challenges that God may give us.
I’m truly just trying to enjoy every minute, hour and day of knowing that there is another little soul with us.
I’ll keep you updated!
Thank you,