God, Humour and Laughter

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Dear friends

Do you think God laughs with us at things that are fitting in the Christian life that are funny? Can you ever picture Jesus laughing?

I’m looking forward to any replies.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Absolutely. I’d be very disappointed to find out that Jesus doesn’t have sense of humor. He became man, after all, and laughter is a big part of our lives.
I think God absolutely laughs. I believe a sense of humor is one of the things that he endowed in us, that He posesses as well.
There is actually a picture of the laughing Jesus. I belive that he had a good number of laughs considering the failure of his first followers to understand him.

Deacon Tony
If God doesn’t have a sense of humor – or value our senses of humor – I am in big trouble. :yup:

One of my favorite lines is: I don’t like being serious. I tried it once and it gave me a head ache, so i don’t do that anymore.
I definitely believe that God has a terrific sense of humor. Same for Jesus. A loving God would surely see the humor in life in general. Why do I have a feeling I have Him laughing often???

Karl Keating expressed an opinion on Catholic Answers perhaps a year ago , and in the past few months I’ve had experiences that reinforce what he said…

He started with the assumption that we’re made in the image and likeness of God, so any positive aspects of our human nature must be part of God’s nature. Therefore, if laughter is an inate part of human nature, it must be part of divine nature.

The question then becomes, can we tell whether laughter is part of human nature or whether it is a learned behavior?

I know a 7-year-old boy who has been deaf since birth. He can grunt, but can’t speak meaningful words. He communicates by sign language. But when he sees something funny, he laughs out loud, and it sounds like real laughter. He’s never heard anyone laugh, so he can’t be imitating anyone.

Karl has convinvced me that laughter really is part of human nature, and therefore it must be part of God’s nature.
Deacon Tony560:
There is actually a picture of the laughing Jesus. I belive that he had a good number of laughs considering the failure of his first followers to understand him.

Deacon Tony
Dear Deacon Tony

Thank you for your post. Do you have a link online to the picture of Jesus laughing? Not to worry if you don’t.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I definitely believe that God has a terrific sense of humor. Same for Jesus. A loving God would surely see the humor in life in general. Why do I have a feeling I have Him laughing often???

Dear Amie

Thank you very much for your post.

I am certain God laughs and finds certain things infinitely funny. Paul W, I agree with you that laughter and humour is part of God’s nature as it is part of ours in the right context.

I’m not completely sure, but I don’t think there is any record in Sacred Scripture of Jesus laughing although there is alot of humour in Scripture throughout the Old and New Testaments.

Does anyone know of any theological research into Jesus laughing?

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I sure hope that God in His infinite nature has a sense of humor. Otherwise, I’m definitely going to hell.
I would think the ultimate being would almost have to have the ultimate sense of humor.

And I always got the impression in the Gospels that Jesus has a very sarcastic sense of humor, especiallly with some of us obtuse humans.
Hi Teresa,

I would say God does have a sense of humour. But perhaps we should look at the new born babe to see the innocence and purity of God. At least to get a glimpse of his purity.
Jesus in his humanity was just like us. He had good times and laughed. If he did’nt he would not be human.
We see Christ most perfectly formed in the Saints and they laugh at times.
springbreeze said:
:rotfl: :rotfl:

God Bless you and much love and peace to you


I really can’t take credit for that, I read it somewhere, long ago, in reference to this same subject! :rolleyes:
I *know * God has a sense of humor.

At least once a week I find myself glancing Heavenward, muttering, “Real funny. Reeaall funny!”

Sometimes people catch me doing this and smile a bit. I know this makes God laugh even louder!

Who is the saint that fell off her horse, into the water and said to God, [something like this…]

“If this is how you treat your friends, no wonder you have so many enemies!”
I *know * God has a sense of humor.

At least once a week I find myself glancing Heavenward, muttering, “Real funny. Reeaall funny!”

Sometimes people catch me doing this and smile a bit. I know this makes God laugh even louder!

Who is the saint that fell off her horse, into the water and said to God, [something like this…]

“If this is how you treat your friends, no wonder you have so many enemies!”
I believe it was St. Terese, the little flower. (I know what you mean about talking to God that way too.) I do that a lot myself.
Laughter is an expression of joy. If God is the source of all joy, He must have a sense of humor.
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