I think that most of the people here, will attest to God’s active involvement in their lives. I am convinced that God is always actively working within us.
I am no exception. I, too, could list example after example. I think the key is to direct all that we do, to His holy Will. When we are aligned with God’s Will, He is able to work more freely within us, and His inner and outer workings are more apparent… The thing that simply amazes me about this, is God’s willingness to be involved in the minutiae of our lives as well as the “big” life events.
Example: Recently, my husband I went property hunting. I prayed, and asked God to help us. We found some beautiful farmland, with rolling hills and woods. I fell in love with the place! I prayed again, and asked God to help us procure it, but when we placed a contract on it, it was refused. I felt uncommonly peaceful about all of this. We continued to work with the property owners, but we could not come to an agreement. Still, I felt peaceful! Then, a week later, we received a call, and the owners had changed their minds. We wrote a contract, and faxed it to them in an hour. When we drove down the following weekend, to sign some additional papers, the Realtor told us that, another offer came in…higher…half an hour after our contract was ratified. She went on to say, that the phone had been ringing off the hook, with people who wanted to buy “our” property.
I list this example, because this was such a small thing. It probably had little to do with my eternity. Owning this farmland was important to me, alone…and yet…God granted me my request. He didn’t have to. He just did…because He is my Father, and sometimes…we give our children things, just because we want to.
JMJ, pray for us.