How do you answer the objection that, if there is a God who makes objective morality, He is just making everyone do what HE thinks is right?
I would say, yes, that’s why I try to obey Him. If He says He loves us, desires the best for us, and is offering us eternal life, which is everlasting peace and joy, I choose to believe Him.How do you answer the objection that, if there is a God who makes objective morality, He is just making everyone do what HE thinks is right?
Yes, God gave us the free will to believe what we want concerning a moral law. We are free to reject His viewpoint if we please. But after we die, He will be the final Judge, and His view on things, not ours, will determine our eternal destination.But maybe that’s just God’s way of veiwing things. Since he created us, maybe our morality is fine as well.
Playing the Devil’s advocate here…
Look to Natural Law. Morality is self evident. Righteousness as taught by St Paul is the foundation of the universe.How do you answer the objection that, if there is a God who makes objective morality
St Paul says work out your salvation in fear and trembling. Fear that you may miss the mark (biblical definition of sin) and go the way of perdition.He is just making everyone do what HE thinks is right?
sure,How do you answer the objection that, if there is a God who makes objective morality, He is just making everyone do what HE thinks is right?
This is what our faith’s all about. Life’s a journey. We start out already half-turned away from God (that’s the meaning of OS/the fall) and then we experience a world where mankind’s will reigns supreme and we can decide for ourselves, with the revelation our faith provides, whether our way/mans’ way is better-or if Gods’ way was better after all.How do you answer the objection that, if there is a God who makes objective morality, He is just making everyone do what HE thinks is right?
Euth. Yes, I should say that what all the gods love is pious and holy, and the opposite which they all hate, impious.
Soc. Ought we to enquire into the truth of this, Euthyphro, or simply to accept the mere statement on our own authority and that of others? What do you say?
Euth. We should enquire; and I believe that the statement will stand the test of enquiry.
IE: Is it Good because the Gods Love it, or do the Gods love it because it is Good (implying a higher standard than that of the divine).Soc. We shall know better, my good friend, in a little while. The point which I should first wish to understand is** whether the pious or holy is beloved by the gods because it is holy, or holy because it is beloved of the gods.**
Neither. How about: It is good because it is like God.This old Chestnut eh?
Plato brought up this dilemma in this dialogue, the Euthyphro.
IE: Is it Good because the Gods Love it, or do the Gods love it because it is Good (implying a higher standard than that of the divine).