God killed or life offered?

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I try diffficult to explain how God the Son offered His life, no one took it from Him, still Peter say “You killed the author of life”. So could I say, to make it clearer, that God offered His life, but the intention of men was to kill Him, and when the time had come, Jesus allowed to be killled and so He freely gave His life?

Do you see why it may be confusing? It seems like if We say we killled God, Jesus can’t offer it freely, and if we say Jesus offered it, that it was a sacrifice, but no guilt resulted from the killing.

How would you explain the sacrifice had to be in the fashion of the old Covenant (we sinners had to killl the animal), still in the case of Jesus, he decides when to die, but at the hand of others, and this fact, being killled doesn’t alter the freedom of His sacrifice?

Our LORD was free, even when He seemed not to be. As He told Saint John, He had power to lay down His life, and to take life up again.

But that in no way negates human guilt in ending His human life.

Ahhh the mistery of faith!

A human we say wounded although nothing can wound GOD but still a human wounded an infinite GOD, humans could not offer anything to repair the breach caused.

GOD Himself in the 2nd person Jesus true man and true GOD was the only worthy to be able to repair the wound of humanity. He had to die in order to fulfil the words of GOD. “If you eat of the tree of good and evil you will surely die”

HE was the only one that could die and yet conquer death, no human could ever accomplish this. HE had to hand his life freely and show us the way to conquer death.

So in a nutshell yes we all killed GOD, through our sins we added to HIS wounds, therefore if we truly love HIM we should try to sin no more, which is hard for we are fallen. And yet HE forgives us time and time again.
GOD on the other hand offered HIS life freely and allowed to be killed so that we might be redeemed and be brought to eternal life.

I try diffficult to explain how God the Son offered His life, no one took it from Him, still Peter say “You killed the author of life”. So could I say, to make it clearer, that God offered His life, but the intention of men was to kill Him, and when the time had come, Jesus allowed to be killled and so He freely gave His life?

Do you see why it may be confusing? It seems like if We say we killled God, Jesus can’t offer it freely, and if we say Jesus offered it, that it was a sacrifice, but no guilt resulted from the killing.

How would you explain the sacrifice had to be in the fashion of the old Covenant (we sinners had to killl the animal), still in the case of Jesus, he decides when to die, but at the hand of others, and this fact, being killled doesn’t alter the freedom of His sacrifice?
Because Jesus knew it was coming, could’ve walked away from it, and endured it anyway. He knew what was in man’s heart, and He allowed it to take its course.
Guilt did result from the killing of Jesus. He quoted the prophet:
For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.
Hosea 6:6

Animal sacrifice is a barbaric custom that overlooks the need for self-sacrifice. Our Lord summed it up perfectly when He said "Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me”. He wouldn’t have died if the Jews and Romans had followed His teaching to love others regardless of the consequences. We are all guilty in one way or another for the unnecessary suffering in the world as the result of our selfishness and lack of compassion. Jesus offered His life to liberate us from the vortex of evil and inspire us to follow in His footsteps:
“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. 11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. 12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. 16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. 17 This is my command: Love each other."
John 15:9 -17
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