God never said it!

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When we base our sites on the Bible from the Old Testament starting with God’s first commandment to have no other God’s before the one True God;there is no mention of A Son that is also God!
Of course this is the rift between many world religions.
As we move forward to the New Testament there is also no mention by God the Father that Jesus is God also.
It is only Jesus who makes referrence that He is one with the Father.
There is constant scripture where God the Father keeps refferring to Jesus as His only begotten Son of whom God the Father is well please, and the constant referrences that God the Father is worshipped loved and adorefd by His more powerful Father God.
Did God the Father purposely leave out the Trinity as viable and to be understood by the human mind and thus to be believed?–Maggie
Consider in Genesis when God created Man, he said

“Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” (Gn 1:26), God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them. (Gn 1:27).
Thus God revealing himself as a communion of persons.

Also, God the Father revealed that Jesus was his son at his Baptism, and on the Mount of Transfiguration. And as revealed through the Gospel of John 1,

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be. What came to be through him was life”

And the great commandment given by Jesus in Matthew:
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” One name but Three Persons.

I hope this is helpful for your consideration.
Further, I also believe if you look at Abrahmam, Isaac, and Jacob you can see God revealing the Trinity.

You can see God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Abraham being our Father, Isaac prefiguring Jesus the faithful Son, and the Fruitfulness of Jacob revealing the work of the Holy Spirit.
But it is stated, as you already noted Jesus is referred to as being “begotten”. This is a term that denotes natural generation not creation. Man begets man, horse begets horse, each animal can only give birth to its own species (excluding getting a mule from a donkey and a horse). Therefore God can only beget God, hence we say in the Creed “…God from God, Light from Light, True God from True God…”

So if God cannot lie then Jesus is his begotten Son, which means that Jesus IS God. God also told the Israelites that he is one God, which stands to reason as it is impossible to have two omnicient, omnipresent, omnipotent beings. Which is consistent with what Christ says in John 17 that He and the Father are one.

I’ll let someone else tackle the issue of the Holy Spirit as being one with the Father and the Son.
But for Grace:
But it is stated, as you already noted Jesus is referred to as being “begotten”. This is a term that denotes natural generation not creation. Man begets man, horse begets horse, each animal can only give birth to its own species (excluding getting a mule from a donkey and a horse). Therefore God can only beget God, hence we say in the Creed “…God from God, Light from Light, True God from True God…”
True…**Begotten not made ** is the key.

The term “begotten not made” means that the Second Person does not proceed from the First Person by creation. When a human being is conceived, the body comes from the father and the mother; the soul is created immediately from nothing by God.

The Second Person of Trinity was not created by God the Father. In theology, the verb “made” means what is created. God the Son was not created by the Father. The Father is not the cause of the Son.
But for Grace:
But it is stated, as you already noted Jesus is referred to as being “begotten”. This is a term that denotes natural generation not creation. Man begets man, horse begets horse, each animal can only give birth to its own species (excluding getting a mule from a donkey and a horse). Therefore God can only beget God, hence we say in the Creed “…God from God, Light from Light, True God from True God…”

So if God cannot lie then Jesus is his begotten Son, which means that Jesus IS God. God also told the Israelites that he is one God, which stands to reason as it is impossible to have two omnicient, omnipresent, omnipotent beings. Which is consistent with what Christ says in John 17 that He and the Father are one.

I’ll let someone else tackle the issue of the Holy Spirit as being one with the Father and the Son.
Remarkably well said. Seriously, you explained in three paragraphs what I usually take numerous pages to explain to others. As regards the Holy Spirit, I believe Christ Himself makes that plainly obvious to us all when He states that sins against the Father and the Son will be forgiven, but sins aainst the Holy Spirit will not. You don’t assign penalties like that unless there is good reason. 😉
It is correct to say that the word ‘Trinity’ does not appear in Scripture but there are numerous references that implicitly point to the doctrine even if this is not stated explicitly.

The ‘concept’ or idea of Trinity is a part of God’s Revelation to us. Although we realise that God has revealed himself and there will be no further public revelations until Christ comes again in His glory, our understanding of this revelation is imperfect. Because we are broken and sinful creatures we cannot come to a full understanding of revelation immediately.

Therefore God’s Church on earth has been pondering all these things in its heart and part of this pondering process has been the working out of the nature of God, which we call Trinity. It has taken many hundreds of years for this mainstay of Christian thought and faith to be revealed to us in all its glory. Even now the Theologians of our own day are still ‘tweaking’ the concept.
When we base our sites on the Bible from the Old Testament starting with God’s first commandment to have no other God’s before the one True God;there is no mention of A Son that is also God!
Of course this is the rift between many world religions.
As we move forward to the New Testament there is also no mention by God the Father that Jesus is God also.
It is only Jesus who makes referrence that He is one with the Father.
There is constant scripture where God the Father keeps refferring to Jesus as His only begotten Son of whom God the Father is well please, and the constant referrences that God the Father is worshipped loved and adorefd by His more powerful Father God.
Did God the Father purposely leave out the Trinity as viable and to be understood by the human mind and thus to be believed?–Maggie

Children are not normally asked to understand the maths behind nuclear physics - God does not teach His people all at once, from the first moment of His teaching them, things for which He has not prepared them. 🙂 Revelation is gradual, step-by-step, because it is “taken in” only gradually - not as a job lot. And God teaches us in ways we can understand - He comes to us as we are, and takes us on from there. As He did with the Israelites & the Jews.​

God teaches us what we need to know, in a form adapted to our understanding. The Trinity is a far greater mystery than that of a resurrection from the dead: yet even in Jesus’s time, there was a lot of debate about whether there was a resurrection, and, if so, who was raised. Ideas of resurrection were very late in coming to be believed at all: so to start with the obscurest matters of all, would have done the Jews no good whatever. It wasn’t the speculative and mysterious things they needed to know - they needed to know, that God was Unique: and that took a very long time to sink in properly. To give them the even more puzzling stuff would have been an unhelpful distruction.

If Christians are perplexed by the Trinity, after 2000 years of Christianity, and although we have been given so much else besides - it’s not likely that the Israelites would have been nourished by learning that God is both Three and One. They had far less to go on than we do, and, crucially, they lived before the coming of Christ. Apart from Him, the Trinity is nothing but a riddle, if not a nonsense. What, & Who, God reveals, is given for our salvation - not for our curiosity or our confusion ##
God tells the Pope. The Pope tells us. How hard is that to understand?

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