There will always be at least one gap or we would be God.
Thank you. :newidea:
I know this doesn’t look like the most reliable source, but it definitely has the best pictures haha. You can google this though for better reference.
Not really. Here’s what Catholics have to believe about creation:
Not that I know of… see Humani Generis on evolution. As long as we believe that God
A) Created the universe (by any means)
B) Ultimately, the humans ended up on earth, and God gave them a soul
Dealing with both of your replies. I didn’t clarify my post. Sure, until recently (within 100 years) evolution has worked with Catholics teachings on creation, but am I correct in assuming that you know it wasn’t always like this? Remember, Clement of Alexandria and Augustine believed in literal interpretations of the Genesis. My point of “shaking” the Church’s teachings was more along these lines. Many theist claim that science is never stable, and it is always changing. Yet when science interferes with biblical teachings, you either
a) accept these theories and change your teachings to incorporate them,
or b) you claim these theories false.
My question is, why is it okay to accept evolution as a plausible theory, but claim that sciences theory of creation false? This is a complete picking-and-choosing method.
Please stop being silly. Scientists tell us life cannot come from nonlife. Nothing was shaken in the Church. The truth about our first parents stands. Science is incapable of explaining the work of God. No scientists I’m aware of have any practical use for this theory.
HAHA, please good sir. Now you are the one who is being silly. Do these scientists work at the Vatican? If every scientist claimed that life cannot come from nonlife, then we wouldn’t have any scientist that were atheist now would we? It is not a debate of life coming from nonlife, it is over whether nonconscious matter can produce a conscious thinking being, like us, and recognize existence.
If it is incapable, then why do some theists believe in evolution? This is science explaining the work of God, meaning how we as humans physically and mentally changed through billions/millions of years of evolution, since the first single celled organism, to the primates. I will stop though, as seeing evolution topics are still banned.
Languages and codes do not appear naturally. They always come from a mind.
They have a sender, a receiver and a key.
Language and codes come from the mind, because these are human made concepts. Patterns appear in nature all the time. We are the ones who influence the genes in DNA due to natural selection. All species are subject to this. I view DNA as a set of all possible physical outcomes, where evolution and natural selection influence which genes are used and which are ‘hidden.’