God, Psychology & Sin?

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I sometimes wonder why two people can commit the same sin, yet suffer very different consequences? Does God still listen to our prayers when we willingly choose to sin? As much I believe in free-will, hope and determination, I see that by nature some people are stronger, more intelligent, more peaceful than others. There are some people repeatedly fall into the same sin. How is it possible that we can all be saints? How does God love us equally if we are not equal? Some of us are nicer. Some of us are meaner. Some of us care more or some of us care less. Sometimes I think it is all meaningless in the end. Some people have very strong personalities and can get what they want in this world. Some people by nature more timid. There are just too many sins to count. Why would anyone need God if they capable of caring for themselves?
Respectfully we all receive differing gifts from God–just like in the story of the talents. None of us know how God will see and interpret our usage of these talents until we stand before Him in judgment. Moreover, none of us can see or will see the “big picture” until Jesus comes again, when He said that He will make all things equal and just. One other thing, sometimes it seems like some folks get off easy, but we can’t see inside their hearts–what they do or don’t suffer!
No one is capable of caring for themselves. The Japanese are very clever at creating technology to assist us in our lives, yet they could not save themselves from the tsunami which destroyed a large part of their country suddenly.
The people that you observe and compare on a superficial level, are people at a particular point in time, with their own unique histories and experiences. For instance, people who have been to war are likely to not be as peaceful as those who have not.
We cannot know a person’s background.

Look at the stars and the planets in the solar system - they are all quite different - and why is there only one earth?
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