God rents the price of man's sin to himself for the weekend?

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God rent’s the price of Man’s Sin for only a short human lifetime, knowing he will be brought back to Godhood. Jesus’s finite lifetime divided by the infinite lifetime of God equals zero.
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Am I wrong?

Anyhow, I don’t endorse this secular viewpoint. Devils advocate.
God didn’t have to do anything and it was purely for our benefit that He did so.
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Just for reference:


  1. Jesus is God.
  2. To forgive man’s sin God offers the sacrifice of Jesus.
  3. Jesus is God.
Thus, God pays for mans sin by sacrificing himself onto himself.


  1. God is forever.
  2. An integer divided by infinity equals for all useful purposes zero.
Thus God is only around on Earth for his equivalent of a weekend.

Put the two together and the title is revealed.
Jesus is God.
I’m assuming you have a job & that you’re somewhere in the middle of the authoritative hierarchy. You may very well be at the top. Try to renounce all the authority you have & submit yourself to the person at the very bottom of that authoritative hierarchy.

When that person says go, you go. When that person says stop, you stop. When that person eats you eat what they’re eating, you drink what they are drinking. You belong entirely to that person.

Similarly, he who is infinite humbled himself infinitely more than that, for 9 months in his mother’s womb. May have been practically no time at all in reference to eternity. But the infinite to the finite is the point.

Even as a full grown man, what was given up so that he can relate to you on your terms… infinite.

Who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross.
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