What is the price of sin?
Respectfully opinion only.
What is the price of sin?

Spiritual death within, not physical death, maybe?
Adam and Eve did not literally physically die when they committed sin, but our Heavenly Father physically removes them from his Garden ( Kingdom) within. Why?
Written, Cannot serve to Master’s be faithful to one and not the other?
Written?..A house divided cannot stand?
Written?>>A little leaven spoils the whole batch?
Written? Kingdom of Righteousness & Peace
Written? Lawlessones ?
1st Commandment…Love me with your whole heart soul and mind…
Not only physical separation from our Heavenly Father like Cain but also spiritual separation ( personal relationship ended, deeply painful? ) when our Heavenly Father left Cain to his own making nor heard Cain’s cry out unto him, is this true?
Thus maybe why it is repeated so many many times through out the whole Bible…Return to Me and I will return to you, is it not?
Is it not written also thou? I choose whom I will?
For only our heavenly Father knows the… pure intentions of ones heart, soul and mind, would that be true and correct?
Adam and Eve, then…Cain murdered his own brother did he not?
Our Heavenly Father tells Cain, is it not written?>>> your brother’s blood cries out unto me from the ground…right? So tells us, our Heavenly Father…hears our prayers right?
As written…All Life is sacred unto to me in the blood, destroy it not?
What is the price of sin?
Spiritual death within… not physical death our witnesses are … both Adam, Eve ( continued to live physically but were removed from our Heavenly Father’s House, Kingdom, Garden, right?
Another teaching is Cain who committed a sin that …greatly offended our Heavenly Father, yet Cain continue’s to live physically.
… but Our Heavenly Father’s punishment was even … more severe…on Cain then Adam and Eve was it not?>>> God not only left Cain to his own physical life, his own making never return to (offspring’s? etc?), but our Heavenly Father … Spiritually removed and separated himself from Cain also, did he not? Nor did our Heavenly Father hear or answer Cain’s cries out to him nor forgave him all throughout his physical life, but not so with Adam and Eve off springs our Heavenly Father choose Noah son of Adam and Eve etc… right? Stand to be corrected want to learn and attain understanding.

There was also 2 Cain’s was there not to get confused, right?
So is there maybe a …Spiritual separation and a physically separation from our Heavenly Father… for the price of our sins… maybe?
Remembering also their offspring’s throughout generations our Heavenly Father choose whom he willed in serving him he loved and placed his Spirit within them like…Noah? Moses? Prophets? Woman? Kings? High Priest? Priest? etc…
I enjoy CAF I do not take the bible literal either, just enjoy pondering on theses questions and discussions is all…Peace