God, the Fisher of Men-- caught Himself a couple more!

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My friend and neighbor, a young lady in her late 20’s (whom I’ll call Elizabeth Ann), told me today that she wants to become a Catholic! :extrahappy:

Elizabeth Ann is married, and the mother of an 8-year-old daughter. They’ve NEVER been baptized-- she used to belong to a now-defunct church that believed only in “baptism in the Spirit”. Elizabeth Ann now knows that baptism in the Spirit is good-- but it’s only a start, and we must also be baptized in water (her words). Her husband, whom I will call Joseph, is baptized but not yet Catholic-- though he, too, is interested. This is turning into a family affair! 🙂

So, I gave Elizabeth Ann a couple of our bulletins and the contact info for our RCIA/Faith Formation director. She was MOST grateful. Even the little girl (I’ll call her Jacinta) was fascinated with the Faith Building insert, which is written for younger Catholics and includes a “Why Do Catholics Do That?” section. When they left for supper, the little girl was totally immersed in that insert (no pun intended).

Elizabeth Ann and Jacinta have asked me if they could go to a Saturday Mass with me next week. Heck yeah, and this will give me some time to describe the highlights of the Mass before we go-- I have a spare Missalette in my Choir bag that they can look at ahead of time and ask questions. I know that they will enjoy the Mass. I only wish that we could go to the 10:00 on Sunday so that they can see the Elect, who are close to completing their RCIA initiation… wouldn’t that be an inspiration? :heaven: The clunker with that is, the Choir sings at that Mass and I wouldn’t be able to sit with them. So, that just means that I get to go to Mass twice that weekend. 😃

Elizabeth Ann told me that she is highly impressed with the works of Catholic groups like Catholic Relief Services, and also how active and involved we Catholics are in the community, as well as our discipline and structure and the enthusiasm that she’s seen in so many active Catholics-- “it must be worth the effort if there are so many people who love the Faith that much”.

So-- the “Fisher of Men” caught a whole school of 'em, and during Lent, no less! Please pray for this family as they begin their journey in the Catholic Faith!! :signofcross: :gopray2:

Hmmm… does anyone know if one person can sponsor an entire family of converts/new Christians? :o

Rejoicimg in Christ–

Wow! Shows how just living our faith can catch those fish.
Good job.
Time to invite them to Mass…especially now.

Here is a great resource that will help them along.

Catholic Home Study Service
Thanks for that resource, CM! I’ll surely pass it along! We were chatting about things again last night. Elizabeth Ann is SO excited and curious about our traditions. She was asking about things like the veil that she has seen older TC ladies wearing mantillas and veils. She has seen the veils, especially in movies where they depict European TC’s, and got the impression as many people do that we all still do that. I suggested that she look around when she comes to Mass at our church. We have MANY African immigrants who also cover their heads, but they wear lovely and sometimes very fancy hats or even ethnic-inspired headdresses. And of course, the majority are contemporary ladies who don’t cover at all. The point was to assure her that it isn’t mandatory to wear a veil.

We also talked about the Rosary (NO, we don’t have to pray all 200 decades all at once; no, it doesn’t have to take a really long time…); religious orders like monks and Sisters, and I told her a few cute Catholic jokes-- and how we can laugh at ourselves, and have fun with our Faith. We aren’t fuddy-duddies! More importantly, we’re working through some of the stereotypes that still persist about Catholics. I consider myself a contemporary Catholic with traditional roots-- raised up more in the NO, but just as capable of

We are going to go to Saturday Evening Mass next weekend-- yesterday was her birthday, so they already made some plans to go out this evening, but they definitely want to come next week. I wish we could go to the 10 am Mass together, so they could see the big group (about 20 or so) of the Elect who are undergoing the Scrutinies now. Yup, we’re having a big ol’ “water party” this year! Our parish is not “huge” so this is a great group-- and that’s JUST the Unbaptized Elect; we have others who are baptized converts and/or “finishing” Catholics who hadn’t received any Sacraments other than Baptism. So I would say that we have at least 30 adults who are also being Confirmed and receiving First Communion (with or without Baptism) this year. Woo Hoo!!

Maybe I can bring them up to speed on the Mass itself, enough so that they will feel comfortable sitting in the congregation by Easter-- then they can come to the Mass at 10 and hear our awesome Choir!

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b...imations/SMILEYS float my boat MORE/choir.gif (Man, we need a singing smiley!)

In Christ,
Thanks for that resource, CM! I’ll surely pass it along! We were chatting about things again last night. Elizabeth Ann is SO excited and curious about our traditions. She was asking about things like the veil that she has seen older TC ladies wearing mantillas and veils. She has seen the veils, especially in movies where they depict European TC’s, and got the impression as many people do that we all still do that. I suggested that she look around when she comes to Mass at our church. We have MANY African immigrants who also cover their heads, but they wear lovely and sometimes very fancy hats or even ethnic-inspired headdresses. And of course, the majority are contemporary ladies who don’t cover at all. The point was to assure her that it isn’t mandatory to wear a veil.

We also talked about the Rosary (NO, we don’t have to pray all 200 decades all at once; no, it doesn’t have to take a really long time…); religious orders like monks and Sisters, and I told her a few cute Catholic jokes-- and how we can laugh at ourselves, and have fun with our Faith. We aren’t fuddy-duddies! More importantly, we’re working through some of the stereotypes that still persist about Catholics. I consider myself a contemporary Catholic with traditional roots-- raised up more in the NO, but just as capable of

We are going to go to Saturday Evening Mass next weekend-- yesterday was her birthday, so they already made some plans to go out this evening, but they definitely want to come next week. I wish we could go to the 10 am Mass together, so they could see the big group (about 20 or so) of the Elect who are undergoing the Scrutinies now. Yup, we’re having a big ol’ “water party” this year! Our parish is not “huge” so this is a great group-- and that’s JUST the Unbaptized Elect; we have others who are baptized converts and/or “finishing” Catholics who hadn’t received any Sacraments other than Baptism. So I would say that we have at least 30 adults who are also being Confirmed and receiving First Communion (with or without Baptism) this year. Woo Hoo!!

Maybe I can bring them up to speed on the Mass itself, enough so that they will feel comfortable sitting in the congregation by Easter-- then they can come to the Mass at 10 and hear our awesome Choir!

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b...imations/SMILEYS float my boat MORE/choir.gif (Man, we need a singing smiley!)

In Christ,
Let me also offer you a great resource that you can get and share with others.

The Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet from The Mary Foundation is a free CD that has the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and some common Catholic prayers on it as well as a discussion by Marcus Grodi & Patrick Madrid about the Rosary. I have several copies. They also have The Conversion of Scott Hahn on a free CD that is quite moving.

I also recommend their CD The Mass Explained, which, tough guy that I am, still brings tears to my eyes.😊
Let me also offer you a great resource that you can get and share with others.

The Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet from The Mary Foundation is a free CD that has the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and some common Catholic prayers on it as well as a discussion by Marcus Grodi & Patrick Madrid about the Rosary. I have several copies. They also have The Conversion of Scott Hahn on a free CD that is quite moving.

I also recommend their CD The Mass Explained, which, tough guy that I am, still brings tears to my eyes.😊
Thanks again, CM! 👍

They’re coming with me to Mass this coming Saturday. The little girl is especially looking forward to it-- boy, if “grownups” could have HALF the joy and enthusiasm for Christ as little kids do! 😃

In the joy of Christ,
Thanks again, CM! 👍

They’re coming with me to Mass this coming Saturday. The little girl is especially looking forward to it-- boy, if “grownups” could have HALF the joy and enthusiasm for Christ as little kids do! 😃

In the joy of Christ,
👍 Keep us posted, okay?
Will do! I gave them a Missalette with a few notes, and encouraged them to ask any questons. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll find it. And of course, RCIA will be starting again in a few months.

This is so exciting! A chance to teach others while reinforcing and building on my own Faith! :dancing::love:

In the joy of Christ,

Will do! I gave them a Missalette with a few notes, and encouraged them to ask any questons. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll find it. And of course, RCIA will be starting again in a few months.

This is so exciting! A chance to teach others while reinforcing and building on my own Faith! :dancing::love:

In the joy of Christ,

Your joy is contagious!

I’ve been sharing with a few friends for several months, and at times they seem very close to considering conversion, and at other times they seem so far away. I’m just thankful Our Lord has chosen me as an evangelist, and I’ve learned to stop worrying about the results.
Your joy is contagious!

I’ve been sharing with a few friends for several months, and at times they seem very close to considering conversion, and at other times they seem so far away. I’m just thankful Our Lord has chosen me as an evangelist, and I’ve learned to stop worrying about the results.
Woo-hoo! It IS contagious, isn’t it? All we can do is to keep praying and reassuring folks that our door is always open. Maybe, in my case, the curiosity is always there for them because I sing and I practice frequently, so they hear a lot of the traditional Latin music and many of our contemporary hymns. I can’t say that I’m a GREAT singer (others might think so, but I know that there are others who are much better than I am), but I make a joyful noise nonetheless. 😛

St. Cecilia, pray for us, and thank you Lord for the gift of music and the powerful influence it has in drawing others closer to You. St. John the Evangelist, pray for us, and thank you Lord for the ability to speak and proclaim Your Good News to all the nations!

This is for us, djrakowski-- enjoy! 😃 youtube.com/watch?v=Ylzpz4K-934&feature=related

In Christ,

Woo-hoo! It IS contagious, isn’t it? All we can do is to keep praying and reassuring folks that our door is always open. Maybe, in my case, the curiosity is always there for them because I sing and I practice frequently, so they hear a lot of the traditional Latin music and many of our contemporary hymns. I can’t say that I’m a GREAT singer (others might think so, but I know that there are others who are much better than I am), but I make a joyful noise nonetheless. 😛
Yes, it sure is contagious… which is why I was so disappointed when I tried to teach a few lessons on evangelization to my apologetics class, and they asked me to stop… but I’ve also read, and firmly believe, that apologetics needs to be used in the service of evangelization. We have no reason to defend the faith if we’re not defending it in the interest of bringing people into the fullness of truth as it subsists in the Catholic Church.

I used to participate in a (very small) schola, and have chanted quite a few of our Latin Masses (both forms - Extraordinary and Ordinary). I shared a few tracks of Kitty Cleveland chanting the Mass with one of my charismatic Protestant co-workers and he was in tears after listening to it. Music (and all GOOD Catholic artwork, really) is a powerful evangelization tool!
St. Cecilia, pray for us, and thank you Lord for the gift of music and the powerful influence it has in drawing others closer to You. St. John the Evangelist, pray for us, and thank you Lord for the ability to speak and proclaim Your Good News to all the nations!
Amen, and Amen!
Lovely music… the words and the performance are both quite beautiful. Thank you!
Yes, it sure is contagious… which is why I was so disappointed when I tried to teach a few lessons on evangelization to my apologetics class, and they asked me to stop… but I’ve also read, and firmly believe, that apologetics needs to be used in the service of evangelization. We have no reason to defend the faith if we’re not defending it in the interest of bringing people into the fullness of truth as it subsists in the Catholic Church.
Exactly! Sad how many are willing to attack the Catholic faith without taking the time to hear the real truth behind it all. Was not John the Baptist beheaded for his works? Indeed, Christ Himself was crucified for speaking the Truth. Truly, the modern evangelists have a big cross to take up if they (we) are to follow in His footsteps. And we need to realize that every fisherman comes away with an empty net some days. How often have (literal) fishermen lamented about “the ones that got away”? The days when the nets are full to the brim more than make up for that.
I used to participate in a (very small) schola, and have chanted quite a few of our Latin Masses (both forms - Extraordinary and Ordinary). I shared a few tracks of Kitty Cleveland chanting the Mass with one of my charismatic Protestant co-workers and he was in tears after listening to it. Music (and all GOOD Catholic artwork, really) is a powerful evangelization tool!
Amen, and Amen!
Lovely music… the words and the performance are both quite beautiful. Thank you!
Yes, Catholic art and music is some of the most beautiful work the world has ever known. I can’t wait to see the look on the little girl’s face when she sees the beautiful stained glass that graces our church. The old traditional (pre-Vatican II) church where I went to Mass for the very first time as a baby and toddler was filled with it. One of my very first conscious church memories was seeing the stained glass image in the back of the nave, with the sun streaming through. I must have been about 3 years old. I remember pointing up to the glass and asking my mom, with our Monsignor standing right there, “Wow… Is that GOD?” Sadly, they’ve gone “N.O.” and much of the grandeur is now gone from what I can see. :mad: I sincerely hope that they haven’t removed that stained glass (which, by the way, was actually a depiction of St. Matthew).

Our Choir is singing this one in a few weeks; Good Friday, I believe-- Pablo Casals’ “O Vos Omnes” youtube.com/watch?v=RlcAqb-h98A Simply chillingly beautiful!

Hmmm… I ought to start a “share your faves” thread on Catholic art and music! 🙂

My friend and neighbor, a young lady in her late 20’s (whom I’ll call Elizabeth Ann), told me today that she wants to become a Catholic! :extrahappy:

Elizabeth Ann is married, and the mother of an 8-year-old daughter. They’ve NEVER been baptized-- she used to belong to a now-defunct church that believed only in “baptism in the Spirit”. Elizabeth Ann now knows that baptism in the Spirit is good-- but it’s only a start, and we must also be baptized in water (her words). Her husband, whom I will call Joseph, is baptized but not yet Catholic-- though he, too, is interested. This is turning into a family affair! 🙂

So, I gave Elizabeth Ann a couple of our bulletins and the contact info for our RCIA/Faith Formation director. She was MOST grateful. Even the little girl (I’ll call her Jacinta) was fascinated with the Faith Building insert, which is written for younger Catholics and includes a “Why Do Catholics Do That?” section. When they left for supper, the little girl was totally immersed in that insert (no pun intended).

Elizabeth Ann and Jacinta have asked me if they could go to a Saturday Mass with me next week. Heck yeah, and this will give me some time to describe the highlights of the Mass before we go-- I have a spare Missalette in my Choir bag that they can look at ahead of time and ask questions. I know that they will enjoy the Mass. I only wish that we could go to the 10:00 on Sunday so that they can see the Elect, who are close to completing their RCIA initiation… wouldn’t that be an inspiration? :heaven: The clunker with that is, the Choir sings at that Mass and I wouldn’t be able to sit with them. So, that just means that I get to go to Mass twice that weekend. 😃

Elizabeth Ann told me that she is highly impressed with the works of Catholic groups like Catholic Relief Services, and also how active and involved we Catholics are in the community, as well as our discipline and structure and the enthusiasm that she’s seen in so many active Catholics-- “it must be worth the effort if there are so many people who love the Faith that much”.

So-- the “Fisher of Men” caught a whole school of 'em, and during Lent, no less! Please pray for this family as they begin their journey in the Catholic Faith!! :signofcross: :gopray2:

Hmmm… does anyone know if one person can sponsor an entire family of converts/new Christians? :o

Rejoicimg in Christ–

Praise the Lord!!! That is wonderful to hear.
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