God vs the devil

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Here we claim that there is a battle of good vs evil. A battle for our souls basically. But if God is all powerful, and in fact he created hell for satan, then is there here on earth ‘evil forces’ that temp us, the same way that there are God is here on earth who loves us?
Here we claim that there is a battle of good vs evil. A battle for our souls basically. But if God is all powerful, and in fact he created hell for satan, then is there here on earth ‘evil forces’ that temp us, the same way that there are God is here on earth who loves us?
The devil is always at work to ruin our souls. He will always try to lead us away from God. But the good news is God has won the fight against him, and if we stay close to Christ, we will not be touched by Satan and his minions.

Here is some more info on this:
There is undoubtedly a struggle between good and evil on this planet. There is no reason to suppose it is confined to this planet. The question is whether there is interaction between spiritual beings and human beings. Is it likely that God would allow us to be inspired by devils or evil powers? Wouldn’t it put us at an unfair disadvantage?

Well, we pray not to be led into temptation - and the temptation need not necessarily be from within ourselves. It certainly does not come from God! We have free will and if we choose to invoke the devil why should our wish be denied? We shouldn’t forget that we can also invoke the power of the angels and of God Himself. After all, we believe in the Communion of Saints, i.e. a community that extends from earth to heaven. We do not live in a closed system like atheists:
“There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio.”

The conflict between good and evil is not a battle. It is an all-out war between heaven and hell. This is a direct consequence of the gift of free will by which we and other beings become capable of terrible crimes and atrocities but also of incredible feats of sanctity and self-sacrifice. We are virtually gods in our power to defy and reject God. And the whole of Creation is involved because it is impossible to be neutral.

Contrast this with the belief that we are just biological machines! Does that do justice to the reality of love and evil? One atheist, an English philosopher - Professor C.E.M.Joad - became a Christian precisely because he realised that the diabolical evil in the world cannot have a natural explanation…
Of course! And Osiris and all the others… Have you been reading the Golden Bough? 🙂
Actually I had not heard of that book. The wikipedia article on it sounds very interesting though. I’ll have to read it sometime. 🙂
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