God, where are you in my life?

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I was laying down this morning thinking about my relationship with God. I hope that what I’m about to say makes sense.

In our lives we are often distracted by all manner of worldly questions. There are many of us who ask questions like?

“God, where are you in my life?”
“Why do all these terrible things happen to me?”
“Why am I in so much pain?”
“Why won’t you give me what I want?”
“Why do I feel so guilty?”

All of us ask these questions at some point and it is always good to try to put them into perspective. An understanding of your relationship with God is the first step.

In our lives there is a simple path that leads to the kingdom of God. This path isn’t paved and it isn’t free of debris. In fact, with all its hills and strange bends it isn’t always easy for you to journey on it. It is however a path that has its map inscribed on your heart. This path can be very lonely. It can be very distracting. There are times when you will fall down and hurt yourself. There are also times when you can get lost and wander away. There are even times when it is very dark and there is no path to be seen.

But there isn’t much to worry about. God has granted each of us, through his unconditional love, his only Son. Because of Gods love, Jesus is on this path with you. Christ does not sit high and mighty in a throne. He only wants to you to walk beside him and let him guide your heart to eternal life.

It is therefore clear that there are few questions you need ask. Are you walking beside him? Have you become distracted on your journey? Did you wander away from Christ for lustful or selfish reasons? You only have to look into your heart to know the answer.

There is no reason to feel sad. There is no reason for you to be swallowed up with sin and feel guilty. You should know that guilt does not come from God. It is a distraction in your life and it is a tool of Evil that can paralyze you. Know in your heart that Christ just wants you to turn toward him. He wants you to close your eyes and feel his love. He wants you to walk with him on your journey.

Is that all that difficult? Does it really hurt so much to turn toward him out of pure love? It is actually very easy because Christ loves you unconditionally. His love is a light that goes right through you and it is a light that warms your heart. Christ is always waving his hand and saying to you, “come it is easy. Let me show you the way. Just open your heart, don’t think about it, just follow me"

Only with unconditional love and trust can you walk beside Christ your on your journey. You should know that if you become distracted and walk away, Christ would always wait for you. Christ will reach out his hand if you fall down. If you wander far away, Christ will call out for you. If it gets dark, you only have to turn around and feel the light of Christ in your heart to find your way back. The only action that is needed is to turn around in his direction again.

This is the relationship with God as I see it. It is simple and we are all given a personal path in life that will teach us how to love as Jesus does. When we enter the Kingdom of God we will wonder how we ever lived without the love that God provides us. We will wonder why we ever asked such foolish and worldly questions. God’s love will be right in front of us and we will feel it at all times. It will pierce our hearts so strongly that all the sadness, lust, anger, and guilt that we may now feel will be non-existent. This is the victory of Christ. The secret is that the kingdom of God is in our hearts now and it is the man Jesus that walks with us on our journey.
What an excellent post! Thank you!
In our lives there is a simple path that leads to the kingdom of God. This path isn’t paved and it isn’t free of debris. In fact, with all its hills and strange bends it isn’t always easy for you to journey on it. It is however a path that has its map inscribed on your heart. This path can be very lonely. It can be very distracting. There are times when you will fall down and hurt yourself. There are also times when you can get lost and wander away. There are even times when it is very dark and there is no path to be seen.

But there isn’t much to worry about. God has granted each of us, through his unconditional love, his only Son. Because of Gods love, Jesus is on this path with you. Christ does not sit high and mighty in a throne. He only wants to you to walk beside him and let him guide your heart to eternal life.
Even before you get to your good questions and suggestions, I wanted to pile on to this point.

A. stuff gets in the way.
B. no need to worry.

Christ is our Light, and the darker it is around us the brighter that Light appears.

I wonder if it’s just as well we have the human “bushel” covering the light, or with all this darkness we’d go around blinding each other! 😛

As for the rest of your post, I agree with it too. For myself, it also helped a lot to have an SD; I don’t know about any others but this one was so good that I feel my own emotional and spiritual healing began the day I met him (yes I remember the date too July 11, 2001).

At some point you realize that life’s storms are not only not scary, but can be looked at as the whole excitement of life. Without ups and downs, we’d all be lukewarm.

[edit]plus, ups and downs test us, and to the degree we can let the Word be our guide instead of our own understanding, we can relax and pass those tests with ease, both becoming purified and demonstrating it at the same time. How many of us realize that we can have the fruits of the spirit without regard to our circumstances or adversaries? It’s not what society teaches. Society teaches we “should” be upset about things or “ought to” be mad, so we have to lose that self created by society built on original sin, and chop off and throw it away and stick with the True Self which is built on rock. It’s all there. The Beatitudes, the Sermon on the Mount. It doesn’t take the scholarly and wise to figure it out, it takes the simple, humble heart like a child’s.

After many years of hearing it, I only recently realized that Jesus did calm the storm, but then chastized the others in the boat for waking Him up. I’ve always heard that story as a lesson that Christ will calm our storms. My new hearing is that Christ tells us that He is always taking care of us, and we need not worry. This realization helped me look at life not so much a drudgery of ups and downs (bipolar) but as a roller coaster that’s so much more fun if you throw your arms up in the air and yell “whee” like the veterans, rather than hands on the bar, white-knuckle scared.

Gee if I want to be scared I’ll reconcile my checkbook.

Either your post was so profound that there was nothing more to say, or it went over a lot of people’s heads.

I’ll say something.

Ummmm…Amen to all that!

You guys pretty much have the topic covered. I can’t think of anything to add or argue with.
I wonder if it’s just as well we have the human “bushel” covering the light, or with all this darkness we’d go around blinding each other!
That is my favorite part!

Now I just have to work on really convincing myself of confidence in God deep down. You know Peter walking on the water to Jesus? That’s me. “Oh my gosh! I’m drowning!” :bigyikes:
Bless you for speaking these things so clearly!

We do not need to be perfect before approaching the divine. We must not let guilt keep us from turning our face to the sun. the only thing keeping us from the love is our own unwillingness to accept it, to believe that it is ours without us having to do anything to earn it. We limit ourselves because we can’t believe the divine is that good.

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