I made plans to hang out with my causin (also Goddaughter) yesterday. We made plans on Thursday that we would go shopping and have lunch. She is almost 13 years old. Her mother recenlty gave birth to a little girl (10 days ago) and when I talked to her on Thursday I could tell that she was having a rough time. I thought I could take her out and talk to her about school, friends, family and life in general.
I set aside my Sat afternoon to hand out with her. At 10 am I called my aunt to set the definate time I would come to pick her up. My aunt said that a friend invited her to a sleep over and she would call my cousin to see when she would be getting home. About 11:30, my aunt calls me and says that my cousin was invited to go to the YWCA by her friend and she really wants to go. My aunt stated that she was put in a tough position but she is allowing her to break her plans with me and go with her friend. I was rather upset, but tried to be polite and say that she is making a choice and I cannot force her to come with me. My aunt then said that perhaps I could take her out next weekend. I said no because my husband and I will both have that weekend off and we will be spending time together.
Later that day, my cousin called me up and said that she was sorry if she hurt my feelings but her friend invited her to go swimming and she couldn’t say no.
I am seeing a weakness in my goddaughter’s character that obviously her mother does not see. All of you with daughters that age, what would you have done? What should I do? At this moment, I do not think I will be extending another invitation to her.
I am in a bit of a tough spot because I love my cousin and I see a need to talk to her about her behaviour and how she treats others. However I don’t think that my aunt sees anything wrong and this makes my situation difficult. I am not her mother, and everyone who is a mother knows that you don’t like when other point out flaws in the way you raise your children. Please help
I set aside my Sat afternoon to hand out with her. At 10 am I called my aunt to set the definate time I would come to pick her up. My aunt said that a friend invited her to a sleep over and she would call my cousin to see when she would be getting home. About 11:30, my aunt calls me and says that my cousin was invited to go to the YWCA by her friend and she really wants to go. My aunt stated that she was put in a tough position but she is allowing her to break her plans with me and go with her friend. I was rather upset, but tried to be polite and say that she is making a choice and I cannot force her to come with me. My aunt then said that perhaps I could take her out next weekend. I said no because my husband and I will both have that weekend off and we will be spending time together.
Later that day, my cousin called me up and said that she was sorry if she hurt my feelings but her friend invited her to go swimming and she couldn’t say no.
I am seeing a weakness in my goddaughter’s character that obviously her mother does not see. All of you with daughters that age, what would you have done? What should I do? At this moment, I do not think I will be extending another invitation to her.
I am in a bit of a tough spot because I love my cousin and I see a need to talk to her about her behaviour and how she treats others. However I don’t think that my aunt sees anything wrong and this makes my situation difficult. I am not her mother, and everyone who is a mother knows that you don’t like when other point out flaws in the way you raise your children. Please help