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I am basically wondering what a godfathers role is after on ehas been confirmed, because my godfather has been awful and was wondering if as you can be anulled can you do similar for godfathers? or doesnt it matter once confirmation has been done?
A godparent is the witness to the Baptism, and makes a promise with the parents to assist in forming the child in the faith.

You cannot “annul” a godparent. They witnessed the baptism, thta is a fact.

The Godparent can be the Confirmation sponsor, or a person can choose someone else.

I am sorry your godfather has not been involved in your faith formation, if parents choose wisely the godparent cand and should be a life-long help to their godchild.
You can, however, choose another spiritual mentor- it’s just not “official”. If you have yet to be confirmed, you can choose anybody else you like who fits the criteria to be your sponsor (practicing Catholic, confirmed, over the age required for your diocese, no impediments such as not being married in the Church if married) . If you have been confirmed, then seek out the counsel and friendship of a person who meets those criteria, and “adopt” him or her.
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