God's Secret Plan of This World?

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I have been to other philosophy forums before this one and I finally came up with a conclusion of what I think God’s plan is.
Both theists and atheists live their lives as if God won’t come down and interfere with them. However, there must be a reason why God nor his angels don’t execute divine intervention. Simply saying that Adam’s and Eve’s sins are the reason behind this seems irrelevant to me. Let’s be honest, Adam and Eve existed so long ago and the death of Jesus Christ should be more important and relevant. Ever since Jesus Christ died, it seems that no one ever directly talked to God again. It was like as if the birth of Jesus Christ was the last interaction in this world from God. For some reason, God seems to be watching and thinking, but not acting. However, God is not being idle in the result of expressing disappointment or vengeance from the death of Jesus Christ because God loves us all and Jesus Christ begged him to show us mercy. Thus, I think God is planning for this world to become more independent from him, but at the same time a better world. The birth and death of Jesus Christ was a part of God’s original plan. Even nonbelievers play a role in God’s plan.

Think about it, a perfect world made from God could be easily made, such as the Garden of Eden. However, a perfect world that originated from an imperfect world and was shaped mostly by imperfect beings is not an easy task for a universal God because God is rarely controlling or influencing this realm. God wants this world to become a perfect world mostly through the free will of the children of God. A perfect world that exists separate from God seems impossible to some of us, that’s why a God would accept this very challenge. A God would plan for this world to slowly become perfect and at the same time, independent from God’s influence (not control), because God has faith in us just like most of us have faith in God. God can easily make angels and the Garden of Eden, but a perfect world from an imperfect one, even that’s beyond my imagination.

What do y’all think? :cool:
An interesting hypothesis. It sounds a bit too secular to be accepted by many members of this forum. I mean, it’s a little prideful and self-centered to say that we have such potential for good within us and have little need of God’s love, mercy, and grace. In some ways, the world is improving, while in other ways it is breaking down. How long would we have to wait for this perfection? Seems like we are a long way off. But keep the fresh ideas coming! God Bless.
Your first premise, angelofbalance: Let’s be honest, Adam and Eve existed so long ago and the death of Jesus Christ should be more important and relevant. Ever since Jesus Christ died, it seems that no one ever directly talked to God again. It was like as if the birth of Jesus Christ was the last interaction in this world from God. For some reason, God seems to be watching and thinking, but not acting. has merit in that you hit on a truth without knowing it. 🙂

Jesus Christ is God’s last Word/revelation to man. Jesus, being the God-man needs no one else to add to what he did/taught us. We need no more prophets such as the OT prophets. He left us his Church to decide if matters of faith and morals that arise with each new generation are of God or not. We are to listen to the Church and obey her if we wish to be doing God’s will. He has already spoken in and through the Church. It’s our “job” to follow the Church.

As to your second proposal, God’s plan was not to leave us to our own devices todetermine for ourselves what is God’s will for the world. In and of ourselves we cannot produce anything close to perfection. Only the Holy Spirit working in us can do that. The work of God has been given to us, but we must rely on God to do it. So, it is still God working in the world, but through us by his grace. Without the grace of God we cannot make a perfect world. And we cannot make men perfect, only God can do that. We are cooperate with God working in us to make us perfect, but we cannot shape society into paradise in this life because mankind is still fallen, is still wounded by original sin. Only when Christ returns will we be fully renewed and there will be a new heavens and a new earth.
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