GOD's voice

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How do you listen for GOD’s voice. Is it physical in that sense or is it a sort of feeling? Like GOD just filling you with a vibe if anyone can get my drift hehehe
…i think God speaks to us in many different ways other than an audible voice…

…good question:thumbsup:
I have never heard God speak to me literally, as in hearing His voice …
When I feel Him speak/communicate, there is a warmth a peace and a feeling of deep humility and am sometimes moved to tears…

It can be in my quiet time (early morning) sometimes a thought or prompting will come to mind…. when I read my Scripture…sometimes a passage or just a word will” jump out” at me… Sometimes when watching a TV program/ movie…(especially The Passion”) I am “moved”… and He ministers to me most often in music…
I have never heard God speak to me literally, as in hearing His voice …
When I feel Him speak/communicate, there is a warmth a peace and a feeling of deep humility and am sometimes moved to tears…

It can be in my quiet time (early morning) sometimes a thought or prompting will come to mind…. when I read my Scripture…sometimes a passage or just a word will” jump out” at me… Sometimes when watching a TV program/ movie…(especially The Passion”) I am “moved”… and He ministers to me most often in music…
Me too…Also when I go to Him and search Him out, in my heart, He reafirms His love and care of my soul and reminds me, “All is well. Remain in peace.” and “I love you.”

I go to Him, and ask Him questions like, “Do you want me to write this?” the answer seems written in my heart, “Yes, My little one.”

God is alive and lives in each one of us. He speaks to us through all we know. It’s up to us to listen.

Forgive me Lord for the many times I do not listen or ask and attempt to act on my own merit, in vain glory.

Peace to you,
Besides being ‘moved’ and such, I hear God’s voice, His message, through opportunities, through the people I meet and the things they want to talk about.
Once I realized that not everything could be chalked up to coincidence, His voice became that much closer to being audible. 🙂
I listen for God’s voice through prayer. I don’t actually hear him rather I “feel” him tug at in my heart.
Also I feel a real connection with him through the Eucharist…it’s as close as I can get to feeling him in my heart and he reaches out to touch me in so many ways.
…but can you feel the grasshopper at your feet?

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i’m sorry, i’m sorry, I just had to do it… another reason to go to confession… man, i got to do better…:o
space ghost:
…but can you feel the grasshopper at your feet?

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i’m sorry, i’m sorry, I just had to do it… another reason to go to confession… man, i got to do better…:o
Squishy ain’ t they 🙂
Sometimes a tear just rolls down my cheek. From time to time God has spoken to me through some of you. It gives me pause. Especially when the other eye joins in. To let it flow is to listen.
I was once in a very desperate spiritual situation (ie. suicidal thoughts, confusion of faith, doubting God existed etc.). I prayed so hard for so long and then all of a sudden a voice inside me said “ignore your confusion and emotions and just follow me”. I know I would never had thought of that on my own. I’m pretty sure it was God.
Several times in life, I wrestled with a problem,

not knowing what to do to do right. Then a
thought seems to “appear out of nowhere”
and helps me to understand.

Sometimes God speaks to me through other
people, often right here on the forums.

Often, a scriptural verse comes “out of the blue.”
I was fussing over some topic two nights
ago, and suddenly the words “Abide with Me”
“solved” the problem.
I recognize this because of the calm and peace
of heart that seems to accompany them.

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