I’ve been thinking about going back to school. I’m 23 and have never been to college. I know I’ll never make more than what I’m making now if I don’t go back to school. I work in an office as an office assistant/receptionist. I’m just not sure if I can do it all. I would have to work full time, go to school at night and study…and in between all that I would have to try to find time to sleep. Its alot to think about doing. It doesn’t seem like there are enough hours in the day to do it all. And I would have to get a computer which would cost alot…I use the computer at work for e-mailing and stuff and then I would have to get the internet in my apartment and pay for that and pay for school. Its just seems like its going to cost so much money. I think I would be able to get grants because I support myself and my income now is pretty low on those scales and I could get loans if I had to. I’m just confused about what I should do. I called the community college here and made an appointment with an admissions counslor person so see what my options are. Its just such a huge leap and I’m scared that I might take that jump and not be able to do it. I know there isn’t a rule about how long you are allowed to go to school…I just don’t want to be 50 and regret not atleast trying. I’m I nuts for wanting to do this? Do any of you have advice about how to pay for school or grants I could try to get?