For the first time in 15 years, my wife and I appear to be at loggerheads (regarding a really somewhat insigniticant issue).
Bear with me while I unload, and you guys tell me if I’m from the moon or not.
We have seven kids in a 4 bedroom house. We also have some functional but hand-me-down furniture. My wife REALLY wants to move to a larger place (which we MAY be able to afford. . .but would be a stretch). I am lukewarm on the idea. . .kind of following along for the ride. . .but not wholesale behind the idea. This is not the main source of the loggerhead.
She mentioned passim today (as she has made clear on numerous occasions recently) that when we move, some of this poor furniture is out the door. As I have said, it is functional. Not pretty, and not matching (nor clashing), but functional. The stuff *works. * I have been foursquare opposed to new furniture (even if it’s from garage sales). My idea is that if it works (and the kids at least don’t complain about it), we should hang onto it. (This habit of making things last comes from running a family of 9 on a teacher’s salary. A Catholic schoolteacher, forsooth).
Also, I am loathe to get new “things”, partly because of the finances but also because the Pope’s admonition against our fine American materialism has really resonated with me these past ten years.
Now, I may come across as a tightwad (and you might be right. Might be), but I have sprung for nice things before. Two years ago we spent money we really didn’t have because we needed a decent dining room table we could all sit down at and break bread together, as a family. I had explored building a table, but could find no plans adequate enough. And I was vociferous that this was a good expenditure; it was more than form, the function of the dining table in a large family is -in my mind- very important.
Anyway, enough preamble. I guess I am looking for a ruling from the CA Conclave: Is the DemolitionMan a hopeless tightwad? Or is he an intrepid follower of the humble life outlined (partially) for us by our late Pope of wonderful memory?
Dunno if that’s enough data. Need more info? Just ask.
Bear with me while I unload, and you guys tell me if I’m from the moon or not.
We have seven kids in a 4 bedroom house. We also have some functional but hand-me-down furniture. My wife REALLY wants to move to a larger place (which we MAY be able to afford. . .but would be a stretch). I am lukewarm on the idea. . .kind of following along for the ride. . .but not wholesale behind the idea. This is not the main source of the loggerhead.
She mentioned passim today (as she has made clear on numerous occasions recently) that when we move, some of this poor furniture is out the door. As I have said, it is functional. Not pretty, and not matching (nor clashing), but functional. The stuff *works. * I have been foursquare opposed to new furniture (even if it’s from garage sales). My idea is that if it works (and the kids at least don’t complain about it), we should hang onto it. (This habit of making things last comes from running a family of 9 on a teacher’s salary. A Catholic schoolteacher, forsooth).
Also, I am loathe to get new “things”, partly because of the finances but also because the Pope’s admonition against our fine American materialism has really resonated with me these past ten years.
Now, I may come across as a tightwad (and you might be right. Might be), but I have sprung for nice things before. Two years ago we spent money we really didn’t have because we needed a decent dining room table we could all sit down at and break bread together, as a family. I had explored building a table, but could find no plans adequate enough. And I was vociferous that this was a good expenditure; it was more than form, the function of the dining table in a large family is -in my mind- very important.
Anyway, enough preamble. I guess I am looking for a ruling from the CA Conclave: Is the DemolitionMan a hopeless tightwad? Or is he an intrepid follower of the humble life outlined (partially) for us by our late Pope of wonderful memory?
Dunno if that’s enough data. Need more info? Just ask.