**Shootings happen in all sorts of work places, one only has to watch the news to see this. It is not just limited to the Post Office and their workers.
We had two separate shootings in Michigan in a very short time at Post Offices (one was a boyfriend of a worker). The media coined the catch phrase “Going Postal”, and now whenever an unfortunate situation happens at a post office, it is immediate news. Also, postal workers are people that we see, and depend on every day, so the phrase stays in our minds.
Schools have shootings - yet no one says a teen has “Gone Schooling”, assembly plants have shooting - yet no one says a worker has “Gone Assembly”.
A lot of people work at jobs that are below their intellegence, and others work at mindless jobs each and every day, yet the majority of them do not go around shooting people.
I do not work at the postal service, but they have been the butt of many jokes, a lot have to work in harsh conditions, and above all, they are government workers. It is easy to highlight the shootings and then blame the work environment and or the government.
I think we should blame the shootings on the individuals who do the shootings, instead of trying to perpetuate a “stereotype” that never really existed.
I did not wish to pass judgement on any posters here, so please don’t take as such. It’s just an unfortunate situation.**