Going to my first Mass - help me out

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Okay, so after almost six months of looking into it, reading CAF, and dating a wonderful Catholic man, I’m finally going to go to Mass with him. (I know, it took me long enough!)

Now, small problem - we’re not going to the English Mass for my first time, we’re going to the one in Tagalog. 🤷 Timing, you know. So my first experience at Mass isn’t going to be in a language I can understand much of. And since my boyfriend lives miles away from me, he won’t really have the chance to sit down and explain to me what’s going to be happening before we go to Mass. (And I would never be so crass as to ask him to explain DURING Mass! :eek: ) So here’s where I need help from everyone at CAF.

I know I should just follow everyone else’s lead, except not go up to receive the Eucharist. What I really want to know is, what goes on at Mass? I know every Mass follows the same pattern no matter where we go (right?), but I don’t know where to find out what it is. I was kind of hoping someone would either explain or link to a site that explains the “steps” in Mass - first we do this, then we do that, then this… so that I can understand what’s happening. Also, I’d love to print out what would be said in English, so I can follow along - or at least be able to preview it so I’m not totally lost.

I’m sure there’s some easy-to-find link out there, but I don’t know what to look up, exactly. Also, I know there are lots of great books out there (Catholicism for Dummies is one I’ve heard recommended) but I’m incredibly broke and shipping English books to Korea is expensive, so online resources would be best at this point.

Thanks a lot!
Wow, that’s exactly what I needed. Thanks! That was quick!

Is there anything else I should know? And what about the readings? Where can I find them?
Thank you! This may be the shortest-lived thread in CAF history, unless anyone else has other stuff to contribute. People on these forums (fora? fori?) are so helpful! 👍
might even be easier in another language, because you will have to follow along in a misallete or worship aid, and you will have leisure to read and think about the words and actions in English (this is what I do at the Spanish Mass, and it is surprising how much I notice be actually reading, especially the Eucharistic prayers, in English)

if it has already happened, how did it go?
Thank you again! The “walk through the Mass” really explains the structure of the Mass well, I think.

I’m going to go to Mass this coming Sunday. I’m a little nervous - I’m already a minority in Korea, now I’m likely to be the only white girl at a Filipino Mass. I hate feeling like I’m going to be stared at. 😊 That’s okay, though - I know about ten people besides my boyfriend who go to that Mass, so I just need to get over it and go.

I’ll let you know how it goes, if it really happens. It seems that everytime I make plans to go to Mass with my boyfriend, his boss orders him to work overtime on Sunday, as well as Saturday night. The boss has no respect for religious obligations. The Church is an hour from my boyfriend’s house and 40 minutes from mine, so it does take planning and most of a day off to go there.

Anyway, I’m rambling. Thank you for all the help.
The other posters have already given you good resources, but I wanted to add my encouragement. I was very nervous about going to a Catholic Mass by myself for the first time because I wouldn’t know what to do, say, etc. But I’m so glad that I took the leap, because now about 14 months later, I’m preparing to be baptized and take the Eucharist!

If you feel this is where God is leading you, answer the call! It can be scary and feel lonely at first, but God always holds up his end of the bargain 🙂

God Bless,

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