A lot of good insight already. I would agree most that being involved with the Newman Center will probably be very helpful. I would imagine, knowing the part of the country you’re going, that if you go to a university of any decent size, there will be a Newman Center. Because, there will be practicing Catholics there. And, I think, in hostile climates, faithful Catholics form even stronger bonds.
Personally, I went to school in the Bible Belt. And our school had a rocking campus ministry. I made most of my friends at the Newman Center. In more than 4 years at college, I maybe only experienced a couple of times in classes or in other situations where I was identintified as “that Catholic guy”. Most of the time no one will know. Especially if you’re heavily involved in the Newman Center. If you live and make friends with bunches of secular students, then its going to be more difficult for you, yeah.
My freshman year, one of my randomly assigned roommates was an atheist. And we did butt heads a bit. There’s another time that came to mind, where me and some of my Catholic friends went to a party. And we saw a student who was an abortion clinic escort. He recognized us because we would pray outside the abortion clinic. He gave us a really funny look when he recognized us lol.
As far as academia, we had very liberal professors. But, there’s no reason most of them will even learn you’re Catholic or your religious beliefs. Maybe in a few classes it will come up, but, a lot of people will have a lot of different beliefs. In the classes where its going to come up, the professors should be pretty open to and respectful of everyone. It came up for me in philosophy and history classes. As long as you can write a good paper, you should get a good grade.
Admittedly, our student body was pretty conservative, being in the South. But, college isn’t all about arguing politics. In a classroom setting, all views should be respected. In social settings, hang out with Catholics. That way you won’t have to worry about people disapproving of you just because of your beliefs (which, you don’t want to be friends with someone like that anyways). God willing, you’ll make friends with people who don’t share your beliefs. And those friendships are always rewarding (I find).