Golden ratio/ Divine proportion?

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I was reading online about this topic and kind of confused by it…Its clear that 1.618 can be found just about everywhere, its evident in positioning of the planets, stars, DNA, and thru out nature and the universe.

Im just curious what this means? Is it something we could use to determine other questions about God or the universe itself, or is it something we are not meant to fully understand yet?
The Temple in Jerusalem, as rebuilt by Herod the Great, is said to have employed the golden section. As I understand it, this is only the hypothesis of one archeologist, not an established fact, but the idea is that Herod instructed his architects to build a rectangular enclosure meeting two mathematical specifications:
º Perimeter = 1 Roman mile
º Ratio of longer side to shorter side = golden section.

Symbolically Herod was placing Roman engineering and Greek science at the service of the one true God.

In feet, the measurements would have been about 1500 feet for the Eastern and Western walls and 930 feet for the Northern and Southern walls, adding up to a total 4860 feet.

The question is: How closely were Herod’s instructions carried out? The exact measurements of his Temple enclosure cannot now be known for certain, since the N wall has long been demolished, including the Antonia fortress and the adjoining northern ends of the E and W walls. A further complication is the hilltop location – the Holy of Holies is thought to have been built over the peak of Mount Moriah, where Abraham intended to sacrifice Isaac. The hillside slopes sharply down to the east and south from that point, so that some adjustments to Herod’s exact measurements would have been necessary.
The relation of the number phi to the Holy Temple will probably never be ascertained, as the building is long gone, and the mosque authorities will not allow mathematicians up there with yard sticks.

However, phi also occurs all over our bodies; an example being the ratio of the length from head to hands, to the entire body.

Elsewhere in the living world, it’s appearance in things like the nautilus shell is well known.

Presumably this will one day be established as part of the yet–undiscovered mathematics of our life.

The relation of the number phi to the Holy Temple will probably never be ascertained, as the building is long gone, and the mosque authorities will not allow mathematicians up there with yard sticks.
What the archeologists are talking about here is not the Temple building itself but the outer walls of the whole platform or esplanade (shown in red in this illustration), of which the Western Wall is one part.…0i19.423.4682.0.8663.…0…1ac.1.64.img…

There may be something wrong with that link in my post #4. If it doesn’t open please let me know and I’ll try again.

There’s also the Fibonacci Sequence, which is found all over nature, particularly in flower petals. It’s also found in honey bee colonies.

Furniture designers use the Golden Ratio when proportioning furniture. For example, a chest of drawers will be designed such that the height and width, along with drawer sizes fit the ratio.

I think a spiral seashell has both the Golden Ratio and Fibonacci. Not sure, though.

I thought I had heard somewhere about how Noah’s Ark used one of these math concepts.
Penguin Books are an example of a highly successful industrial product using the golden section. The original format, when the first Penguins were published in the 1930s, was 7⅛ × 4⅜ inches, which works out at phi within a margin of error of less than 1 percent. (They later switched to a format in centimeters, but the proportion was left almost unchanged.)

The French architect Le Corbusier developed a set of measurements for his own use in designing buildings, incorporating both the golden section and the Fibonacci series and based on the height of the average human adult. He called his system the Modulor and published a book about it, which I used to have a copy of but it seems to have been lent to somebody and never came back.
There’s also the Fibonacci Sequence, which is found all over nature, particularly in flower petals. It’s also found in honey bee colonies.

Furniture designers use the Golden Ratio when proportioning furniture. For example, a chest of drawers will be designed such that the height and width, along with drawer sizes fit the ratio.

I think a spiral seashell has both the Golden Ratio and Fibonacci. Not sure, though.

I thought I had heard somewhere about how Noah’s Ark used one of these math concepts.
The 2 patterns are related, IMS, as the series progresses the ratio of successive terms converges on phi.

I think the same thing can be said of the pyramids in Egypt, from what Ive read, their dimensions and the way they line up with many other things on the earth, including astronomical alignments, its pretty strange those people were that exact, plus, Im still not sure why it even matters what dimensions a certain building is to God? Why would he care?

Unless there is something to this we dont yet understand, more I think about that is probably the most logical, obviously those who created the pyramids and other structures knew something we dont today, and were able to build these things with such precision, plus, there must be some reason why the pyramids lined up PERFECTLY with so many other global ‘markers’, Its absolutely incredible when you read how precise these things are in relation to other things on the earth, how in the world did those people back then reach such a level?!!!

Im fairly certain structures and buildings today are not built with this type of precision or to be in alignment with other global markers either…?? After reading in depth about the alignment of the pyramids, Im pretty certain there is something about them that we do not understand, I think they had another purpose and probably very significant too.
I think the same thing can be said of the pyramids in Egypt, from what Ive read, their dimensions and the way they line up with many other things on the earth, including astronomical alignments, its pretty strange those people were that exact, plus, Im still not sure why it even matters what dimensions a certain building is to God? Why would he care?

Unless there is something to this we dont yet understand, more I think about that is probably the most logical, obviously those who created the pyramids and other structures knew something we dont today, and were able to build these things with such precision, plus, there must be some reason why the pyramids lined up PERFECTLY with so many other global ‘markers’, Its absolutely incredible when you read how precise these things are in relation to other things on the earth, how in the world did those people back then reach such a level?!!!

Im fairly certain structures and buildings today are not built with this type of precision or to be in alignment with other global markers either…?? After reading in depth about the alignment of the pyramids, Im pretty certain there is something about them that we do not understand, I think they had another purpose and probably very significant too.
If you have enough slaves, and time, remarkable things can be accomplished.

No mechanical system can match the human hand for fine work. And back then, doing stuff in a hurry was not yet an issue.

If you have enough slaves, and time, remarkable things can be accomplished.

No mechanical system can match the human hand for fine work. And back then, doing stuff in a hurry was not yet an issue.

I understand how the pyramids were built, as there is plenty of evidence of ‘large worker/ slave communities’ set up around the pyramids,( I do not believe aliens helped either LOL), but I was more interested in the why…what purpose did having them built to such exact and correlating dimensions to other global markers? If you google this topic, it is amazing how the pyramids line up so perfect with other things,such as this…

All the pyramids around the world are built on certain “nodes” or ley line positions. The pyramids connect to points on this grid and are part of a network that is significant to the functionality of the Earth.
I understand how the pyramids were built, as there is plenty of evidence of ‘large worker/ slave communities’ set up around the pyramids,( I do not believe aliens helped either LOL), but I was more interested in the why…what purpose did having them built to such exact and correlating dimensions to other global markers? If you google this topic, it is amazing how the pyramids line up so perfect with other things,such as this…

All the pyramids around the world are built on certain “nodes” or ley line positions. The pyramids connect to points on this grid and are part of a network that is significant to the functionality of the Earth.
Leylines are pseudo science, with no factual basis. The modern “leylines” were shaped to match the pyramids and other ancient structures, not the other way around. They were defined like constellations, not grid lines. (With constellations you start with the stars and draw the shapes on top of them; with grids you start with the shape and draw your points to match them.)

To put it simply, leylines are new age nonsense, and should not be taken seriously by anyone actually interested in the study of nature and history.

Now, if you were to talk about how they reflect Orion’s Belt, well, there’s a bit more evidence for that, though as far as I know the jury is still out on whether or not it was intentional.

Also, in your previous post, your conclusion is wrong. There’s not need to assume some sort of lost knowledge. You can assume some for of lost belief, sure, but belief != knowledge. The Egyptians studied the night sky, as did most ancient civilization, and it’s entirely plausible that they saw significance in it. It’s also entirely possible that it’s coincidence, and the location of the pyramids was driven by foundation factors related to the density of the stone beneath the sand. There’s pretty much no way for us to know for sure this side of the afterlife.
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