Good Catholic News

  • Thread starter Thread starter SuscipeMeDomine
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My spiritual director thinks that I need to see more good news about the Church to counter all the negative news in the media. So help me out. What have you seen locally, perhaps in your diocesan newspaper or on the local news about Catholics or Catholic parishes.doing something good as a result of their faith? Maybe a Catholic school or youth group or religious congregation has done something. Links to articles would be great!
Have you considered just checking the bulletins of your local parishes to see good things that your local churches are doing?
The churches in my area always have lots of stuff on how people are helping as community volunteers, youth group is visiting Steubenville, programs and conferences on useful topics are being scheduled, K of C events, you name it.
Most of this stuff doesn’t make the newspapers, because the papers are usually more interested in reporting when something really bad happens once in a while than when good things are happening during most every week.
Knight of Columbus, Catholic Worker, St Vincent De Paul Society are just a few of the places to start.
Thanks for the responses. I’m still hoping for news articles or stories on local TV about parishes or individuals bringing credit to the Church.
To be honest, the only time the news will broadcast anything about the Church is for a sex scandal story, or the typical social justice stories, like anti-violence marches or immigration protests. At least around here.
True. Good deeds, charity, etc., none of them wants to admit the Church does such things.
Because of you, I did some research into St. Vincent De Paul society…in the US alone they’ve given almost $500 million dollars worth to the poor, including the food, medicine, living expenses, care packets for emergencies, etc.
It would be nice to have a channel called the “Good News Catholic” I’m sure there’s a better name out there but it would report local stories of heroism of our faith and all inspirational. And a website too. I always have CNA open on my laptop but it doesn’t have exclusively good news.

Or maybe they have a good news section but still it would be nice to have a whole network showing the good the Church is doing. And then a segment for youth and young adult Catholics and how they’re living their faith.
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Good news is that great saints are born when the Church leaders, popes and bishops, are focusing on other things than Christ. We have St Francis of Assisi in 12th century, Saint Thomas of Aquinas in 13th century, Saints Catherine of Siena and Bridget of Sweden in 14th century, St Ignatius of Loyola in 16th century etc etc St Theresa of Calcutta in 20th century are just some of the very important persons in Church history. How many of the popes and bishops, who have caused problems for the Church, have been declared Saint? Very few but the ones who told the popes and bishops to get their acts together and act responsibly are declared saints as well as those who went back to the basics in Christian life like feeding the hungry, clothing the poor and teaching the ignorant.
II would like to tell you some of what our parish does…

-We run the Mother Teresa Maternity Home, open to any woman that needs help.
(We have three fund raisers a year to help support the home, one was just yesterday in fact!)
-Have the S.P.A.M. Clothes Closet that is free for anyone in the community who needs clothing.
-Began and still run the Upper Room Dining Hall that serves a free hot meal 365 days a year to anyone in the community who is hungry, and give them a bag lunch to take with them.
-We visit those in our county jail twice a week.
-Bring Communion to our home-bound, sick or hospitalized parishioners.
-We let our town use our hall for free for a fund raiser Spaghetti Feed to raise money to house the homeless as the weather gets cold every year, as well as free for other groups too that need a place to fund raise to help the needy
-Once a year the Ladies Society has a 4 day parish wide rummage sale. We have done this for the last 81 years. We sell good things for REALLY cheap, so it helps the community and our own parishioners. Then we pull out and give for free:
-All sizes of clothing to our local hospital so that people that come in to the emergency room and have their clothes cut off them, have clothes to wear when they leave.
-Boxes of clothing we send to the Third World.
-Towels and any pet things we give to our local animal shelter.
-Blankets and warm clothing for the homeless.
-Coffee mugs, silverware and books for our Upper Room Dining Hall.
-Clothes for our S.P.A.M. Clothes Closet.
-And everything that does not get sold is then all donated to our local Hospice Thrift Store to help them.
We give all that away, and the Ladies Society still makes well over $17.000.

We do much more, but that is just a glimpse of what Catholic Churches all over the world are doing each and every day. We do what Jesus asks us to do, we love and help care for our neighbors. And we only have one priest, so we parishioners know we have to step up and take responsibility for getting things done, and we do. Hope this was a bit of the good Catholic news you were looking for.
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