I have a question that has bugged me for a while. This is not something personal but merely general. Why is it that some generally good Catholic parents who are devout, churchgoing people will have a meltdown if their child decides to enter the priesthood or religious life of other kinds? They can sit there and admire those going in this direction but the thought of their own children doing so fills them with dread. I find this quite frankly bizarre. There are so many stories throughout history in saints lives etc. of this happening. is it just that they are really filled with the spirit of the world and have been putting up a front until that moment and they really only wanted worldly goals for their children? what causes this? It just seems too common to hear of people saying things like “we need more men to become priests and I will pray for more” untill little johnny or whoever comes in and says they want to become a priest. Then the tune changes to “That is no life for you and I wanted grandchildren!!!