Good Friday Prom

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Tonight, Good Friday, our High School has prom. There is no Catholic High School here, we have three public school districts. This prom is for the most affluent district.

As we drove to the Parish for Good Friday services, we passed long white Hummer limos heading out for prom frivolity.

We are smack dab in the middle of good Southern Baptist land, and I simply cannot imagine the district giving such a slap to Christians. Our son is a Sophomore, but had he been an upper classman, he would have not been permitted to attend prom on Good Friday - heck, I know for a fact he would not have even asked.

What are these parents thinking?
Tonight, Good Friday, our High School has prom. There is no Catholic High School here, we have three public school districts. This prom is for the most affluent district.

As we drove to the Parish for Good Friday services, we passed long white Hummer limos heading out for prom frivolity.

We are smack dab in the middle of good Southern Baptist land, and I simply cannot imagine the district giving such a slap to Christians. Our son is a Sophomore, but had he been an upper classman, he would have not been permitted to attend prom on Good Friday - heck, I know for a fact he would not have even asked.

What are these parents thinking?
They’re not. But remember, outside of the Catholic Church, not as much emphasis is placed on the Tridiuum. Or even Good Friday.
I can’t express how it sucks to see people do that in the middle of a (-n even formerly) Christian country. It’s really unlikely they don’t know it’s Good Friday - they’d have to be culturally oblivious legal retards, I believe. If they know it’s Good Friday, they surely know it’s the day Jesus died and the most penitential day, ever.

When I had my “hundred days” ball (prom equivalent here), we had to obtain a dispensation to have it on a regular Friday, outside of Lent. If some people heard about balls on Good Friday, they would get a stroke. Discos are probably opened and a number of people will probably be there, but even declared atheists have the decency not to engage in open revelry. There’s vocal protesting if any school party falls with Lent, on an ordinary Lenten day, and atheists (alongside with angostics, non-practioners and all), know better than that, except maybe some ignorant or arrogant (or both) headmasters, but those are weird people anyway.
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