I just wanted to share something nice. On Sunday, I wanted to kind of not go to Mass. We’ve all been sick all week with bad bronchitis, runny nose, the works. So, Sunday, well, the syptoms were still lingering, so i offered my girls ( 8 and 11 ) that we could just stay home, since they didn’t feel all that well. They got upset, " no Mom, we’re feeling better, I want to go…". I said, well, you don’t need to serve, but they got really vocal after that, " we want to serve, no, mom, we have to go to Mass!" I thought it was great. I mean, I coughed the whole mass through, but I’m so happy that my kids want to go, even if they’re sick. I feel like angels were in my life, in the shape of my kids. Have your kids done this before? I’m sure I’m not the only one, and it’s nothing groundbreaking, but still…the mustard seeds are growing…may you all have a great week and may God bless you all!
I just wanted to share something nice. On Sunday, I wanted to kind of not go to Mass. We’ve all been sick all week with bad bronchitis, runny nose, the works. So, Sunday, well, the syptoms were still lingering, so i offered my girls ( 8 and 11 ) that we could just stay home, since they didn’t feel all that well. They got upset, " no Mom, we’re feeling better, I want to go…". I said, well, you don’t need to serve, but they got really vocal after that, " we want to serve, no, mom, we have to go to Mass!" I thought it was great. I mean, I coughed the whole mass through, but I’m so happy that my kids want to go, even if they’re sick. I feel like angels were in my life, in the shape of my kids. Have your kids done this before? I’m sure I’m not the only one, and it’s nothing groundbreaking, but still…the mustard seeds are growing…may you all have a great week and may God bless you all!