This is mainly for the women, I guess, but anyone please chime in.
Many people have recommended “The Good News…” for a number of reasons, mostly because it helps explain TOB and the role of sex in a marriage. One or two women have said it helped them understand sex and where their husbands were coming from on sex and how it tied to intimacy for them, and even helped improve their sex lives somehow.
I’m looking for specifics. I’m going to order the book, but I need to know more of how it helped and that it is not - or if it is only - an easier way to understand Church teachings. Did it really help any wives understand their husbands viewpoint? If so, what did it say and why did it help? Did it really improve anyone’s sex life? Details, please!
Many people have recommended “The Good News…” for a number of reasons, mostly because it helps explain TOB and the role of sex in a marriage. One or two women have said it helped them understand sex and where their husbands were coming from on sex and how it tied to intimacy for them, and even helped improve their sex lives somehow.
I’m looking for specifics. I’m going to order the book, but I need to know more of how it helped and that it is not - or if it is only - an easier way to understand Church teachings. Did it really help any wives understand their husbands viewpoint? If so, what did it say and why did it help? Did it really improve anyone’s sex life? Details, please!